GIFT🎁: ★ GM's Chibi Base [VRCFT] V2.0 ★ VrChat Body Base ★
@perrito Just the FBX. The unitypackage it comes with only contains pre-made materials for Unity.
@kh4m4ri THANK YOU SMM!
could we get the materials(unity package) aswell? i hate setting up materials on my own. if not its completely okay! -
@perrito Just the FBX. The unitypackage it comes with only contains pre-made materials for Unity.
apparently a few minor issues were fixed with the base, im unsure if the package was updated yet tho
its a pain but im happy that gm works so hard to get the base working perfectly
@kh4m4ri Understandable, but I'd love the material package nonetheless and the settings photo for import!
@perrito another update came out! and can you please add the other packages as well? it would help out a lot of people! and make sure its updated to 2.1 please! sorry if we seem pushy btw!!!
@TokeiNeko I have it, I can add it into the folder.
I'd like to make it known that knowing how to set up your own materials is important as well, though. But I will throw it in there.
@kh4m4ri thank you!!
I believe the most recent update is the final one since it fixed alot of issues the base had
@kh4m4ri tysm