Gift : 【Line Art Tattoos】4k Textures 入れ墨 *テクスチャ* /HD Full Pack 【Line Art Tattoos】
Hey like I said one the minase one I will give the full pack soon and there it is!
This asset is compatible with...
Shinra / 森羅
Shinano / しなの
Airi / 愛リ
Milltina / ミルティナ
Selestia / セレスティア
Sio / しお
Manuka / マヌカ
Chiffon,Lime,Chocolat / シフォン - ライム - ショコラ
Rindo / 竜胆
And maybe if you want to rip something from one of your Vrchat avatar you can contact me only 5 e / 5,23 $ / 4,13 £ the rip (I do some reduc if you want a lot of avatar)
D Dxsert referenced this topic
suchhhhhhhhhhh a w, tyvm!