[LF] Outfits and Assets for [3D Model] Deer Tauru Sika [VRChat Avatar]【3Dモデル】鹿タウル【VRChatアバター】| 【鹿タウル対応】サーフパンツ ver.1.01 by Kaibatu2mm
I'm looking for these Clothing and Face Tracking assets for the Avatar Sika by Kaibatu2mm
If anyone has any assets they want to share, I'll be sure to update the first page stating that the asset has been found or shared and will leave a thanks!
Link to Avatar (Found and Shared by Mastema here)
Surf pants ver.1.01 |【鹿タウル対応】サーフパンツ ver.1.01
Medieval costume set ver.1.01 |【鹿タウル対応】中世風衣装セット ver.1.01
Dress shirt set ver.1.11 |【鹿タウル対応】ドレスシャツセット ver.1.11
Horse riding clothes set | 【鹿タウル対応】乗馬服セット
Cervitaur - Face Tracking Add-on | 鹿タウル/Cervitaur - Face Tracking Add-on