Trading: DE-GONSO Pendragon and Starlight By Lazminq
I hate to be the person but this is the only file i am going to want to trade for models im looking for
i bought these myself with my friend
hence why and plus $80 was alot....
but erm anyway if ur interested Please DM me on here!
Models: for De-gonso goes to my buddy : croccodile_Jack
if you never get any trades in a few months or so please share it with the rest of us brokies thank you :')
if you never get any trades in a few months or so please share it with the rest of us brokies thank you :')
@SeraphicRoses agree !!
if you never get any trades in a few months or so please share it with the rest of us brokies thank you :')
@SeraphicRoses i will dont worry!!
what avatars are you wanting?
I hate to be the person but this is the only file i am going to want to trade for models im looking for
i bought these myself with my friend
hence why and plus $80 was alot....
but erm anyway if ur interested Please DM me on here!
Models: for De-gonso goes to my buddy : croccodile_Jack
@WaterNymph can i trade? whats ur discord
Dont waste your time, idk if she’s a scammer but I gave her files she wanted and I haven’t gotten anything in return, she told me to wait a few days but its been a week now and i dont have anything and she hasnt been responding back
@kehkeh she doesn't seem to be very active so give it maybe a few more days, sometimes I can go a whole month without checking this site ://
It also says she hasn't been online in 5 days :pp -
Dont waste your time, idk if she’s a scammer but I gave her files she wanted and I haven’t gotten anything in return, she told me to wait a few days but its been a week now and i dont have anything and she hasnt been responding back
I hate to be that person but if someone snags this would yall mind sharing? I really have been wanting these models and unfortunately the last person I spoke with ended up bailing. If that's too much to ask for I understand! Just please dm me if it's a possibility. ^-^
I also really do not do trading so I don't have anything to offer I apologize.
I hate to be that person but if someone snags this would yall mind sharing? I really have been wanting these models and unfortunately the last person I spoke with ended up bailing. If that's too much to ask for I understand! Just please dm me if it's a possibility. ^-^
I also really do not do trading so I don't have anything to offer I apologize.
@kehkeh she doesn't seem to be very active so give it maybe a few more days, sometimes I can go a whole month without checking this site ://
It also says she hasn't been online in 5 days :pp@SeraphicRoses yea I get that, but 1 until she doesn’t give me the files Im not gonna think otherwise and also I gave her the files over a week and a half ago
@SeraphicRoses yea I get that, but 1 until she doesn’t give me the files Im not gonna think otherwise and also I gave her the files over a week and a half ago
@kehkeh did she ever reply?