Trading: DE-GONSO Pendragon and Starlight By Lazminq
@kehkeh she doesn't seem to be very active so give it maybe a few more days, sometimes I can go a whole month without checking this site ://
It also says she hasn't been online in 5 days :pp@SeraphicRoses yea I get that, but 1 until she doesn’t give me the files Im not gonna think otherwise and also I gave her the files over a week and a half ago
@SeraphicRoses yea I get that, but 1 until she doesn’t give me the files Im not gonna think otherwise and also I gave her the files over a week and a half ago
@kehkeh did she ever reply?
@kehkeh did she ever reply?
@cosmicbliss nope, still waiting
Bumpo :C
@cosmicbliss nope, still waiting
@kehkeh yikes
Bump ig??