Lf Mimi Typh avatar (FOUND)
Bump looking for the files it anyone is able to rip it
bump for rip and unity package
Anyone with access to SARS / any ripping software?
[register or login to view this hidden content] [register or login to view this hidden content] use [register or login to view this hidden content] to fix it and here's a tutorial on how to do it [[hidetoguest:hide...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
Just finished fixing and updating her, there's a few things I couldn't fix unfortunately, I made sure to mark them but it's only 4-5 things. However I don't know if i fixed the FT since I don't own anything with FT to test it so lmk if it's broken, but other than that she's fully functional, also the physbones may look broken but they aren't, it's just Unity being weird. Also made her fully NSFW :3
Her she is, you're welcome
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aibMoqx9_oCAjTUOnKMcuOzhhwwhEXLh?usp=sharing -
@Sam-Dreemurr tysm