LF: This Fexa Edit
Here's the goth Fexa model.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/mk5f7ruyncqdtl5/%257B-Gothic_Fexa-%257D.unitypackage/file( its just the model, its outfits and textures )
@Maracryptic It may not be the purple one but this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!!! Uploaded everything just fine. Haven't tested her ingame yet but there shouldn't be any issues
@Fëx̌ā Yæ I don't have the purple texture but I can try recreating it. The one Maracryptic posted is just the original fexa colors
@Maracryptic It may not be the purple one but this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!!! Uploaded everything just fine. Haven't tested her ingame yet but there shouldn't be any issues
@Fëx̌ā Yæ I don't have the purple texture but I can try recreating it. The one Maracryptic posted is just the original fexa colors
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Kinda forgot what texture i used for the pp so there's two different ones in the folder
Is this what it should look like? -
Is this what it should look like? -
@griffin currently making the avatar a lot better since it's kinda terrible
I have the fbx currently making it a blend file
@1 the only issue is the bone placement isn't really the same cause the method I use to grab the fbx kinda is aids
and made 3 armatures inside of the model current progress!
@1 the last issue *fix the nsfw peen which was originally a prefab so I know what I can do to fix it
@1 I don't wanna be a nuisance or anything but would you be kind enough to reply to my comment when you're done with fixing the model and publishing it in here, thx and have a great rest of day or night.
Does anyone knows to correctly add a boobie and thiccness slider without the clothes bugging out on this specific avi in particular?