LF: Amy Rose by Mr Nobody
There's simply not enough good custom Amy Rose models and this one is absolutely perfect! I simply need it for my collection of the Sonic gals (there's way too many Rouge ones that I've got, I wanna spice it up with my favorite gal)
Amy Rose - VRChat Avatar
The cutest and strongest girl around, now yours in VRChat! (!!Not Quest Compatible!!) Full interchangeable clothing toggles from 4 separate outfits PhysBone physics throughout Piko Hammer toggle to show your affection PBR textures which adapt to the world lighting Parallax Eye material UV Tile Discards for toggles Completely seamless textures Makeup option inspired by @ArtGofa on Twitter "X" A ghostly possession toggle with a radial smile factor (Disclaimer: Gesture blend shapes to not work in parallel due to clashing so be sure to disable gesture tracking when using this toggle.) GoGo Locomotion is configured Do NOT redistribute or upload publicly this Avatar under any circumstance Do NOT split the cost of the Avatar to upload to multiple accounts. One purchase is for one account. You MUST credit me as the creator of this Avatar when you are using it for posts on social media or when streaming. I am NOT liable for updates to the game breaking this Avatar. I will however try my best to keep it up to date. As a digital product there are NO REFUNDS AVAILABLE due to legitimacy reasons. You WILL need: VRC Creator Companion VRC Fury Repository Poiyomi Toon (v9.0.61 was used during creation) Unity 2022.3.22f1 In order to upload this Avatar you will need to use Unity 2022.3.22f1 which was the version this Avatar was created with. You will need to us VRC Creator Companion to import the required repositories before you do anything with the Avatar. Use VRC Creator Companion to add the VRC Fury repository (linked here) and the Poiyomi Toon repository (linked here) or import Poiyomi Toon from their Discord Server (linked here) to the project before hand. It is IMPERRITIVE you do these tasks before hand otherwise it will not work. The Creator Companion includes the SDK within the file, therefore you will not need to import one yourself.Afterwards you will need to import the Avatar Package into the scene and open the folder titled "Amy Rose". All you need to do once this is done is to open the scene titled "OpenMe" and login to the VRChat SDK. Before you go ahead and upload the Avatar be sure to check that the Animation Controller and the Blueprint ID in the Inspector are clear. If this is the case, then you are free to go ahead and upload the Avatar to your account! If VRC Fury asks you to fix "Write Defaults" be sure to click auto solve!Amy Rose + Hammer by ME! (Character owned by SEGA) GoGo Locomotion by Franada Poiyomi Toon by Poiyomi Responsible for helping out with the testing, photos and toggle showcase video (Viewable on my Twitter "X" and Discord server!)
Gumroad (mrnobodyvrc.gumroad.com)