[LF] Social Battery Asset for VRC by Klay Made
Social Battery Asset for VRC
Sometimes I wish people would understand that my social battery is drained.Well, wish no more my friends, for I have brought you the Social Battery asset for VRChat. Display it to all that you kinda just want to leave now lmao.I'll be real with you my friends, socialites and digital dogs. I've been cooking with this one, and it is by far the dumbest asset I've made yet. Not to mention it's fully fledged out and ready for you to slap on an avatar of your choosing.The casing comes with three different variants DUwUCELL Clear DUwUCELL Rechargeable DUwUCELL Social MAX and uses Poiyomi Toon.The internal meter thing uses a custom shader! You can slap any texture you wish onto it and It'll work like a charm*!It's got a slider that is easy to animate and various options to change things up if you want something more simplistic.*The drain face is probably gonna look wonky, and it's only Unlit. The shader isn't extravagant, but it works well.Capable of running in ranges of: 1 to 10 Seconds 30 seconds to 10 minutes* Half an hour to 10 Hours any more than that and you probably don't need this. *Only includes 30 and 1:30 presets the rest or increments of 60 seconds.Requirements: VRChat SDK version 3.7.3 Poiyomi Toon 9 VRCFury A thumbs-up emoji 👍 Don't forget to rate please!!Follow my Bluesky where I continue to make regretable decisions.
Gumroad (klaymade.gumroad.com)