LF: CandyXCorpse's personals
@chhickenn theres no proof so I wouldn't believe it, prob misinfo to make an excuse to rip, but if shes fr a pedo, with proof behind it, why want her stuff at all lol? If you want to rip, just rip, dont damage someones name in the process if all you want is their work, no one cares anymore on vrc
@moonydropzzz Zai has proof, just dm them and they’ll give it. you’re clearly a supporter of cxc.
@moonydropzzz Zai has proof, just dm them and they’ll give it. you’re clearly a supporter of cxc.
@Imnotaripper. Zai does not have any proof, she's got proof of other people but not Candy. After talking to Zai there is no solid evidence that Candy is a pedophile, however. Zai has experience mistreat from Candy directly. Candy supports sexual harassment if it's one of her friends doing it.
@moonydropzzz Zai has proof, just dm them and they’ll give it. you’re clearly a supporter of cxc.
@Imnotaripper. I don't like her, but I like her stuff. I believe if you're going to rip, do it without damaging the creators name. If you want more from that creator, don't chase them off the internet with lies. You guys assume a lot and believe a ton of word of mouth with no proof lmao. A friend of mine sent a dm to Zai and she has no proof of it, someone else replied too.
Kandi Bun
Stylized Fexa
Toy Frenni
Toy Bonfie
Angel dust (She has many, any is fine)
Femboy Bonfie@Imnotaripper. bump
The assumption that I would be lying intentionally or trying to damage their name for the sake of some sort of petty excuse to rip— given that I've got history on this website— is ridiculous. Why would I need that as any sort of excuse to rip from them? All I said was that it was always acceptable to steal from a p3do, granted that it was my understanding that CandyXCorpse's reputation as a creep was well known. I'm not an impenetrable source of information, and I may get things wrong, but that was the information I was working with at the time. From what I can gather (that which hasn't been buried by now), is that under the guise of "personal business", CandyXCorpse was called out (seemingly in private, or at least not on the open net) and exiled by some of their friends (including Moonkitten) for supporting another one of their friends who was Identified as a p3dophile (potentially named Rex?). As for anything further, again, it's within the confines of what has already either been buried, or been made private, and word of mouth seems to be the most you'll get/find on it.
The conversation around a one-off comment like mine shouldn't have to be so extensive or serious, especially given that not everything can be known by one person simply by looking things up. VRChat is, although it may not seem like it, a very small community with very little documentation on things, and a lot of shit happens behind the scenes that many either don't or won't talk about. That's not to insinuate that I've got some sort of insider knowledge or that I'm your one stop shop for info; I'm just tired of getting notifications for this, and want to put it to bed. We're all here in this forum for rips/drops/gifts and such, and there is realistically 0 moral ground any of us have. We're all pirates, for lack of a better term. There was no additional harm or tarnishing of names intended, and it wasn't an excuse to rip— because there would be absolutely 0 reason to do any of that.
.. With that out of the way— bump!
Giant wall of text and all you had to say is "I believe anything I'm told and have no proof, it must be true!!!" lmao
If you say someone is a pedo with nothing to back it up, of course people will ask and do their own research. -
Giant wall of text and all you had to say is "I believe anything I'm told and have no proof, it must be true!!!" lmao
If you say someone is a pedo with nothing to back it up, of course people will ask and do their own research.This post is deleted!