a tool to Gonso license from avatars.
@rol desconocido
de-gonso tool
comes with a usage instruction manual- 3 scripts
(drag and drop into unity)
I will preface that this will work on most gonso avatars BEFORE trout by confusey or Ame by zoxlOnce dragged into unity after you import the avatar package, a korean tab will pop up. This will ask for 4 requirements
all of this needs to be exact and correct, otherwise gonso team will flag this as suspicious and probably disable the liscense key that you are trying to use.- username (what you put into the vrchat SDK descriptor panel when uploading)
- display name (ingame name, how everyone sees you)
- creator name ( has to be EXACT)
- Liscense key.
Since this creates an encryption key to fix the resources of the original avatar.
There are manual things you will have to apply (gamemeshes to the right gameobject, applying the correct menu and expressions). Remember this is a small price for a fixed non-gonso avatar.After everything is fixed you can delete the gonso.DLL in the gonsoliscenser folder to remove the gonso tab at the top of unity and will stop gonso from asking you for a liscense key on upload. in unity > assets > gonsoliscenser > gonso.DLL
this will cause the avatar descriptor to disappear which is okay, all you have to do is reimport the original avatar package and it will fix the missing popup.
@rol desconocido
de-gonso tool
comes with a usage instruction manual- 3 scripts
(drag and drop into unity)
I will preface that this will work on most gonso avatars BEFORE trout by confusey or Ame by zoxlOnce dragged into unity after you import the avatar package, a korean tab will pop up. This will ask for 4 requirements
all of this needs to be exact and correct, otherwise gonso team will flag this as suspicious and probably disable the liscense key that you are trying to use.- username (what you put into the vrchat SDK descriptor panel when uploading)
- display name (ingame name, how everyone sees you)
- creator name ( has to be EXACT)
- Liscense key.
Since this creates an encryption key to fix the resources of the original avatar.
There are manual things you will have to apply (gamemeshes to the right gameobject, applying the correct menu and expressions). Remember this is a small price for a fixed non-gonso avatar.After everything is fixed you can delete the gonso.DLL in the gonsoliscenser folder to remove the gonso tab at the top of unity and will stop gonso from asking you for a liscense key on upload. in unity > assets > gonsoliscenser > gonso.DLL
this will cause the avatar descriptor to disappear which is okay, all you have to do is reimport the original avatar package and it will fix the missing popup.
@lovely.fbxxz link broken
S Satoru Gojo referenced this topic on
@lovely.fbxxz link broken
@lovely.fbxxz if i send u a model i own with gonso would you be able to de-gonso it?
W WaterNymph referenced this topic on
This isnt sketchy at all lol, you dont need any scripts or anything to de-gonso avatar. Wouldnt download this people
This isnt sketchy at all lol, you dont need any scripts or anything to de-gonso avatar. Wouldnt download this people
@vessel no im just genuiely trying to get help i bought the model and absolutely hate the quality and i know its a model everyone wants
im just trying to give a gift to the community
@vessel no im just genuiely trying to get help i bought the model and absolutely hate the quality and i know its a model everyone wants
im just trying to give a gift to the community
@WaterNymph I can de-gonso it if you havent used the license key in unity before
@WaterNymph I can de-gonso it if you havent used the license key in unity before
@vessel i have used the key sadly when i bought it originally....
@vessel i have used the key sadly when i bought it originally....
@WaterNymph rip
@WaterNymph rip
@vessel it was this model to https://lazminq.gumroad.com/l/sesshoumaru?layout=profile
@vessel it was this model to https://lazminq.gumroad.com/l/sesshoumaru?layout=profile
@WaterNymph bro i want that model omg :,)
@WaterNymph bro i want that model omg :,)
@burgerbutcold im sorry if i knew when i bought it orginally i would of done the degonso
@WaterNymph bro i want that model omg :,)
@burgerbutcold wasnt he found on here??
W WaterNymph referenced this topic on
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