LF: Cyber Jaw
Other Assets
Polygons: 3,924 (Can easily be decimated more!)✤ Made from scratch in Blender ♥✤ 4k Textures included ✤ Rigged and Weight painted✤ MUST credit me (Kittyz#6666) if used on any type of model (finished models only. DO NOT SALE ON ITS OWN)✤ For commercial use, you must let buyers know they cannot use this without purchasing this asset directly from meCredit: LuckysRevenge for the texture ♥
Gumroad (kittyz.gumroad.com)
I'm looking for these.
Update: I've got the jaw.
Update: I've got the jaw.
@VoidAccount hey, i want it !
Update: I've got the jaw.
@VoidAccount would you mind sharing it ?
I'll get the package later, cause now i've gotta do some personal stuff.