FOUND : オリジナル3Dモデル「ウルキ・Uruki」Thanks to Sam Dreemurr
Updated to v1.2 on my message above
Do you think the outfits will be fine to keep on her? Or will I have to wait for them to be updated as well?
Do you think the outfits will be fine to keep on her? Or will I have to wait for them to be updated as well?
@SulfuricKara As long as the outfits don't have meshes around the affected area in between the upperleg-hips, it should be fine, otherwise the outfits needs an update
@SulfuricKara As long as the outfits don't have meshes around the affected area in between the upperleg-hips, it should be fine, otherwise the outfits needs an update
@ecsdee I use the midnight sweater dress outfit and the bunny suit, you think those will be alright?
@ecsdee I use the midnight sweater dress outfit and the bunny suit, you think those will be alright?
@SulfuricKara The midnight sweater stockings might need an update, the bunny suit should be alright, you can just test it by yourself..