GIFT: MISERY by Miru SPS EDIT + Extras
Drag MISERY SPS Prefab in the main Assets folder into the Hierarchy
PC ONLY FILES - Can still link original quest version if you have it but won't use skin radial, I don't know if it has skin tone prefabs but if it does use to your preference
No need to drag poi shader, already imported in avatar package
The SPS is in the Extra Folder
Replaced Skin Tone Prefabs to Skin Tone Radial on Main Prefab - Works with Lollipop
Replaced Old Gogo Loco with LocomotionFixV7 - Gogo is updated in package so if you prefer Gogo, you can swap to it if you'd like via layers then replacing Locomotion menu to Gogo Locos menu
Replaced the Gestures to Gogo Loco Gestures - Just seemed better lol
Removed VRLabs Marker
Now works with Latest Unity + Latest Updates - Not sure if it was broken before
Added SPS - Linked blendshapes Vagina Open + Ass Open + Stomach Bulge
Added PCS
Added Wholesome Lollipop - Remove missing script, not the prefab
MISERY Edited Version