Luna Runa but ... "assembled"
yeah, having to put everything together when they're so many assets and even making sure all of it works properly is ridiculously draining and time consuming too, you're better off getting some tools and learning the basic stuff you need to do it yourself, can't guarantee it'll be faster or better but you won't be dependent on others for making avatars.
I know it's already been drilled into you, but really if you are willing to take the time, it's not as daunting to do it yourself as you would think! Not all of them have it, but MOST of the Runa/Luna assets have tutorial videos on how to install each individual thing or are simple enough that one of the other tutorials basically tells you what you need to know for the ones without tutorials as well. If you want to watch them before doing any work on Luna, open up a new Unity project and import the assets you have one at a time, then you can see which ones have tutorials for you to follow!
Now can I promise that it would be easy to put a bunch of assets on the same Luna model? No because I have no clue personally. But will it at least give you a bit of guidance along the way? Absolutely~
I'll assemble one for 75 bucks
I'll assemble it for $74.99.
I'll assemble it for $74.98
i will do it for....hmmmm about the same price as the last one but a cent less.