LF: NO_001 // [MOON] "The Rogue Agent" (PC, SPS, FT) by EIGHT
[WRATH] NO_001 // [MOON] "The Rogue Agent" (PC, FT)
(disclaimer) The gun featured in the video is not included in the avatar package. You can purchase that here - https://durrvish.gumroad.com/l/MK23SOCOMARKit Face/Eye tracking ready out of the box!!!(Demo recorded using Meta Quest Pro)RE: Customization- 4 Outfits to mix and match! (with some restrictions lol)- Hue Shift EYES OUTFIT HAIR EMISSIONS - Clothes Black to White (with a cool lil animation :3) RE: Body Settings and VRCFury - SPS- PCS v1.8.0.2 (for uhhh... yeah)- Skin Color Radial- Lollipop v5RE: Other- Grabable Knife! (make sure gestures are on :3)- Custom Sculpt: VRBase EGIRL: (ZinPia)- Custom Breast Rig: (Lupinixx) (EIGHT Edit)- Custom Gestures: (Sleepy, Angry, Wink, and more!)- GoGo Locomotion: (For all the half-bodies/deskies out there <3)- FBT Ready (duh)RE: Uploading (Unity 2022.3.22f1)1. Create a new avatar project using the VRC Creator Companion2. PLEASE make sure it is up to date!3. If you're using a face-tracking headset please install the "Jerry's FT Template" https://adjerry91.github.io/VRCFaceTracking-Templates/4. Install VRCFury using the creator companion (The avi literally relies on it) (DISCLAIMER!!! Please use VRCFury 1.1143.0! The new Fury Update breaks some Fury based packages! https://vrcfury.com/download/5. Open the newly created project!6. Import Poi Toon 7.3.50_UpTo_9.0.60 (Included in the 001_MOON download file)7. Import Crystal Shader (Included in the 001_MOON download file)8. Import the 001_MOON Unity Package File9. Open scene called: 001_MOON10. Log into your VRC account in the VRCSDK splash menu and upload!If you have any issues with uploading PLEASE for the time being as I don't have a Discord server setup, please send me a message on discord at os_EIGHT.api. But PLEASE start the message talking about the avatar issues, I usually ignore messages like "Hey," or something similar due to bots.RE: Purchasing Rules1. Do not take any assets off of the model and reuse them in other projects, the products are credited down below if you wish to buy them.2. Do not share or leak UNLESS I GIVE EXPLICIT PERMISSION3. Do not make public 4. Do not reuse my edits5. Can be used to stream :)Due to this being a digital product, there are NO refunds after purchase.RE: CreditsMAKEUP - https://sakuu.gumroad.com/HEAD - starlynnBODY - ZinPiaHAIR - DarcyPCS - DismayLOLLIPOP - https://wholesomevr.gumroad.com/LEGGINGS - https://echovrc.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryTECH JACKET - https://bolivardi.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryKNITTED DRESS - https://sillytilly.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryGLOVES - https://anaram.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryLEG HOLSTER - https://iamkold.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryRINGS - https://issuezvrc.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryBODYSUIT/HOODIE/HARNESS - ZinPiaTECH HOODIE - https://jinxxy.com/ItsYukinaVRPASTIES - https://breannu.com/b/n6OeH?ref=jinxxyUNDIES - https://jinxxy.com/Deimos/productsBIKINI/TSHIRT/SHORTS - https://nessy.store/b/y5fMHFACE MASK - https://payhip.com/daddysenpai/collection/allBOOTS - https://jinxxy.com/Gashina/productsJORDANS - https://plaz.gumroad.com/ROUND FRAME GLASSES - https://catrazor.booth.pm/"EIGHTS SIGNATURE" REZZ GLASSES - https://itssavvo.gumroad.com/"EIGHTS SIGNATURE" HORNS - https://entityfalse.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=libraryTATTOOS - https://gelw0.sellfy.store/p/inked-up-tattoos-vrbase/Thank you <3I wanna preface this by saying this model is nowhere near perfect. This started as a passion project to see if I could actually do it. I'm not some crazy talented avatar creator like some of my friends... Hell, this avi was put together by youtube tutorials, forums, discord help channels, a lil bit of gorilla glue, and a metric shit ton of help from friends that know WAY more about this stuff than I ever could, (thank you Maxwilso, HoloExe, ScarlettKat, FXV, and Neziiel) I also want to thank some key figures not mentioned above, those being Lyreth, and BroadcastGGFF. If it wasn't for them pushing me to actually release this through all of the self-doubt and fears of inadequacy, this would've never happened. I also want to thank everyone who helped advertise, test, and just suggest things for MOON. Lastly, I would like to thank you for even checking out the page and potentially buying. MOON has been an idea tucked in the back of my mind for the last 3-4 months and I cannot thank you enough for giving her a chance. <3001_MOON // dump_log$whoamiEIGHT$uname -aeightOS 1.0.1 Generic_50203-02 sun4m i386Unknown.Unknown$login -n root---Login Incorrect---login: backdoorNo home directory specified in password file!Logging in with home=/#bin/history 488 cd/opt/LLL/controller/laser/ 489 vi LLLSDLaserControl.c 490 make 491 make install 492 ./sanity_check 493 ./configure -o test.cfg 494 vi ~/last_will_and_testament.txt 495 cat/proc/meminfo 496 ps -a -x -u 497 kill -9 2207 498 kill 2208 499 LLLMoonActivate - ok 1#bin/LLLMoonActivate - ok 1--- 001_MOON (running)// end_log
Gumroad (oseight.gumroad.com)
found here by me https://forum.ripper.store/post/657434