LF: Milltina (Model Found !) & Assets [NOT UPDATING AGAIN]
I really need it. This pls: https://yumecorp.booth.pm/items/5413301
@MoonPrime check the PD collection !
Thought I'd throw this in for looking for: https://booth.pm/en/items/6559288
Thought I'd throw this in for looking for: https://booth.pm/en/items/6559288
@TokeiNeko bump:3
Thought I'd throw this in for looking for: https://booth.pm/en/items/6559288
Many thanks for the list and collection!
If I may add one im looking for myself it would be this one, Stargazer's Dream, it was updated for Milltina recently and the gimmick's neat
Gimmick Video Example
Many thanks for the list and collection!
If I may add one im looking for myself it would be this one, Stargazer's Dream, it was updated for Milltina recently and the gimmick's neat
Gimmick Video Example
Many thanks for the list and collection!
If I may add one im looking for myself it would be this one, Stargazer's Dream, it was updated for Milltina recently and the gimmick's neat
Gimmick Video Example
@IVB ooooo, the first is adorable.
Found a eye texture that I'm after for her: https://booth.pm/en/items/6020746
And a makeup/hair texture too: https://ciao-2.booth.pm/items/6540532
こちらを追加お願いできますか。これは素晴らしいので、ぜひほしいです。16Ma Chérie Noir - @SolaireParkerのおかげで発見されました,
https://sarasapen.booth.pm/items/6437842 -
こちらを追加お願いできますか。これは素晴らしいので、ぜひほしいです。16Ma Chérie Noir - @SolaireParkerのおかげで発見されました,
https://sarasapen.booth.pm/items/6437842@Xzuma Extract with 7zip instead to see all contents. It's an archive error.
@Xzuma Extract with 7zip instead to see all contents. It's an archive error.
できました。ありがとうございます!! -
Not on the list
Cuddle hearthttps://booth.pm/en/items/5989543
https://workupload.com/file/cnLmqMqCApz -
- pix cheerhttps://workupload.com/file/WyrRvVu2Tt8
Bumping for 15, I have Shinano's version, will post if someone drops Milltina version
Also bumping the one above: https://hino-shop.booth.pm/items/5840742
Facial Asset : https://booth.pm/en/items/6546924
Add this maybe https://booth.pm/en/items/6563718
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