`kira` ~ neko/fox By tortilla [PC, face tracking, gogo, sps]
`kira` ~ neko/fox [PC/Q, face tracking, gogo, sps]
Meet Kira, another cute neko to add to the collection :) She has LOTS of toggles, extra gogo poses, fake index, face tracking, and more!I am moving to Costa Rica for 3 months, if there are any issues please contact me and I will try to fix it when I can (sorry if I'm busy)!!Toggle ShowcaseExtraღ gogo loco + extra posesღ sakura springjointღ fake index hand gestures + middle finger!!ღ phone prop, katanaღ 2 tiger followers, one on headღ sps <3Togglesღ 6 main outfits (can mix match), backpack, outfit color changesღ 3 shoes, warmers, 2 socks + dawgsღ jacket, corset, 9 accessories, togglesღ fun propsღ 25 hair colors + hues // emission strengthღ eye hue, 3 skin shadesღ 5 TShirt colors, color hues for all clothes in oneღ 2 tails, 3 earsQuest Versionღ 1 hair, 4 hair colors, 2 shirts, one pair of shorts, gloves, hair clips, 1 tail, 2 skin colors, mask, facial piercings, 2 ear setsღ Facial expressions, fake index hand gestures, newest gogo loco, face tracking, no physbonesThis was a quick make of the quest version, only issue known is subtle clipping in the shortsInfoUnity: 2022.3.22f1SDK: VRCSDK3 2022Used VCC, with the addition of avatar 3.0 manager, toggle creators, wholesome, jerry's ft template, memory optimizer, gesture managerPLEASE HAVE UNITY KNOWLEDGE create vcc avatar project add vrcfury to vcc import poiyomi shaders 7.3 version (or the version with all versions) + liltoon shaders import kira! open "kira OPEN ME," choose a version, then upload <3 Quest also uses vrcfury~Creditsღ Head: cicieaaa, (no reuse of head or texture, must buy from creator), freckles, face tracking, makeup, piercings, makeup 2, eyesღ Base: body, tattoos, nails, skinღ Hair/Ears: long, pony, flowy, updo, textures, ears and tail, ears 2, pony 2, tail 2ღ Clothing: outfit, outfit 2, outfit 3, outfit 4, tshirt, shorts 1, shorts 2, boots, bodysuitღ Acc: glasses, mask, nip piercings, gloves, belly piercing, cat plush, hair clips, katana, tiger, springjointღ Extra: gogo, toggle icons, fake index, toggle assistant, poi shaders, vrcfury, vcc, pngs, boxes, wholesome, paramater optimizer(please let me know if I missed anything or credited incorrectly!)~ phone/earrings by meTOS☽ you may NOT take any asset off this avatar, please see above for links to each asset to purchase directly☽ feel free to edit how you like, edits of the avatar are still not allowed to be resold☽ no sharing of packages, use the gift button when purchasing☽ avatar may NOT be uploaded publicly, private only☽ credit when asked or using on media☽ please do not resell, reuse, distribute, or claim, thank you <3☽ sorry in advance if I miss a credit/misscredit, feel free to dm me!failure to comply to my TOS results in a ban to all stores, social media, and will take further action if need bejoin the discord for updates, send your pictures, support tickets, or comments!! --> https://hopp.bio/tqrtilla(pictures of purchased products will go into my Payhip store gallery!!)pls leave a nice comment if you'd like as well :) TYSMM
Gumroad (tqrtilla.gumroad.com)
If anyone has her download link please comment it below