Cryptia's loona
- Here you guys go
- Here you guys go
@Sonic6908 Do you have the .blend file? Or just the unity package.
I've been trying to convert her for over an hour now, I removed her cig, her phone, her gloves, and reduced most of the textures to 32mb. it's still too big to be uploaded to Quest
I've been trying to convert her for over an hour now, I removed her cig, her phone, her gloves, and reduced most of the textures to 32mb. it's still too big to be uploaded to Quest
@TrashRaccoon Yea But Thing Is Their Are Versions Of Her That Are Public RN That Have Quest Converted Versions So I'm Confused To Mate I Feel You Tho I Think It's Just Base To Big Theirs More Then Just The Basics Needed To Convert It Sadly I Believe
I've been trying to convert her for over an hour now, I removed her cig, her phone, her gloves, and reduced most of the textures to 32mb. it's still too big to be uploaded to Quest
@TrashRaccoon Delete the second body. The avatar has two meshes. Regular and Femboy. Just straight up delete whatever one you wont use and upload it as a second model if necessary.
@TrashRaccoon Delete the second body. The avatar has two meshes. Regular and Femboy. Just straight up delete whatever one you wont use and upload it as a second model if necessary.
@roodboi Yeah, I figured that out like, a day after I posted.