LF: NSFW fox moth
+1 (trade/20$ reward)
here y'all go, had to beg one of my friends for it, if you're able go find/buy one of these, been looking for them -> https://forum.ripper.store/topic/44930/lf-frost-by-void
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/49502/lf-ginger-shark-vrchat-model-octo_hedgieNSFW Fox Moth: https://workupload.com/file/mYnkyLLQtH8
here y'all go, had to beg one of my friends for it, if you're able go find/buy one of these, been looking for them -> https://forum.ripper.store/topic/44930/lf-frost-by-void
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/49502/lf-ginger-shark-vrchat-model-octo_hedgieNSFW Fox Moth: https://workupload.com/file/mYnkyLLQtH8
@BasedKawaii did it come with a substance painter or photoshop file by chance? i can buy frost soon
@BasedKawaii did it come with a substance painter or photoshop file by chance? i can buy frost soon
@wfurry no, its just the unity package sadly, was kinda bummed about that too
A ashleyloire referenced this topic
@BasedKawaii did it come with a substance painter or photoshop file by chance? i can buy frost soon
@wfurry Here's the SPP and Texture files for the NSFW foxmoth https://workupload.com/file/5WeSZHYkjr6