[UPDATING + Future 2nd archive!] LF: Mamefriend/Kipfel Mamehinata assets + some dl links [5/33]
FOUND TEXTURE 1. 【Kipfel/キプフェル】 AREN_Cloth Texture
FOUND Outfit 12. Forest Fairy
FOUND TEXTURE 1. 【Kipfel/キプフェル】 AREN_Cloth Texture
FOUND Outfit 12. Forest Fairy
@Yuuuuwyyyy Thank you!!
really hope someone has https://booth.pm/en/items/6289095 Yilnel soon
Hi! This outfit isn't on your list, but it wouldn't hurt to add it
just bought it today.
https://workupload.com/archive/zUscVJCYLB -
Hi! This outfit isn't on your list, but it wouldn't hurt to add it
just bought it today.
https://workupload.com/archive/zUscVJCYLB@rippinpip Thank you for sharing!
What happened to Matsuda???