⚝ Evelyn ⚝ By Rin’s Avatars (Pc/Quest/GoGo/FaceTracking)
⚝Riv & Eve⚝ (Quest/GoGo/FaceTracking/opti)
i loved making these!! 100%scratch face trackinggogo questdissolve togglesopti vrsEvelyn togglessweater, shirt, dress, shorts, pants, fishnet sleeves, fishnet leggings, bra, panties, demon tail, fluffy tail, puppy tail, leg warmers, arm warmers, ribbin, long hair, short hair, short bob hair, pig tails, bodysuit, heels, boots, full furry toggle, arm paws, leg paws, bracelet, horns, puppy ears, elf ears, wolf ears, collar, garters, neckless, angel wings, demon wings, purse River toggles jacket, mask, shirt, t-shirt, fishnet tank, teck pants, torn pants, 2 pairs of shoes, arm paws, leg paws, full furry, brackets, belt ,elf ears, furry ears, puppy ears, puppy tail, demon tail, fluffy tail, horns, bigger horns, long hair, short hair 1, short hair 2, short hair 3, neckless, collar, harness, arm sleeve, knife contact with a blood toggle, cig, arm sleevecontact knife with blood
Gumroad (rinuchiha.gumroad.com)
If anyone has her download link comment it below
(this is matching but I want only Eve)