LF: Starcatcher
Starcatcher • PC, Quest, & Opti [VRChat Avatar]
Starcatcher SDK 3.0 Poiyomi Toon Shader (v7.3) Physbones 24 Toggles SFW PC & Quest cross-compatible Optimized Good Performance Rank version Custom AFK Pose GoGo Loco VRC Face Tracking Written upload tutorials Toggles (PC & Android)* All toggles work on Android unless otherwise stated.Clothing [5] Hoodie Shirt Overalls Shirt Sneakers Accessories [8] Arm Warmers Leash (PC Only) Socks Collar Hair Clips Necklace Sunglasses Sunglasses up Species [3] Dog Ears Dog Tail Floppy Ear Appearance [5] Hairstyle 1 Hairstyle 2 Skin Color Radial (6 Options) Eye Color Radial (5 Options) Hair Color Radial (5 Options) Fun [4] Star wand Head pat contact Sleeping face toggle Tail wag animation Toggles (Green Performance Version/ Opti) Appearance [3] Skin Color Radial (6 Options) Eye Color Radial (5 Options) Hair Color Radial (5 Options) Fun [3] Head pat contact Sleeping face toggle Tail wag animation Asset Credits Head - Starlynn#8980 Body - ZinPia Nails - pinkbonbon Hairstyle 1 - Minki Hairstyle 2 - ZinPia Hoodie - YamuVR Shirt - yaoomi Overalls - YamuVR Shorts - It’s-Juliet Sneakers - SIL3NTHILL [Discord] Arm Warmers - AkamiWaffles Necklace - xSnail#2902 Leash - xSnail#2902 Socks - Zammy Collar - Lexel Sunglasses - collectiveworld. Star Wand - Bubble-_-Bunny Dog Ears - ares.olympus Dog Tail - Ourse Star Particles - LozLullaby Zzz Particles - Kiwa Hair Textures - Wetcat Eye Textures - Mizukiiiix Hand Gestures - Kiriecho [Linktree], KireNeko Idle Animation - Wetcat GoGo Loco - franada Face Tracking - Adjerry91 VRCFury If you have any questions, concerns, or problems with the avatar, please ask in the #help channel in my Discord server.Discord ServerGumroadJinxxy
Gumroad (starstrut.gumroad.com)