LF: Morrigan Quest by Wolfsden3D
Looking for the quest version of this avatar by Wolfsden3D.
Morrigan - VRChat - PC, Opti, Quest
Try the public, Opti version for free here:https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_a6867cb4-3035-437c-ac0b-94374b9adf80Morrigan, an Arachnid home to a wicked cave system that's well adapted to traversal in both her human and spider forms.Enjoy a huge amount of customization: 50+ toggles & sliders on top of outfits, hairstyles and a bunch of accessories - you're guaranteed to find your style!Whether you like Spiders or are afraid of them, Morrigan comes in multiple shapes and forms - Full humanoid, additional Spider Parts and a full Arachnid Body with procedural movement thanks to Final IK! When you've found your customization, lounge around in your creepy stage or help your friends overcome their spider fears with some exposure therapy!❱❱▶ Included files Fully set up unity packages with all the different versions: PC, PC Opti, multiple Quest versions.❱❱▶ Set up a separate project for PC with the following assets: VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) + Unity 2022.3.6f1 Poiyomi Toon 9.0.61 VRCFury 1.1124.0 Final IK Stub ❱❱▶ Set up a separate project for Quest with the following assets: VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) + Unity 2022.3.6f1 VRCFury 1.1124.0 ❱❱▶ Afterwards, import our avatar and open our included scenes! Got questions? Join our Discord Server and ask away! ❱❱▶https://discord.gg/wolfsden3d❱❱▶ Customize Your Avatar Mix and match toggles: 3 different hairstyles (Ponytail, Short, Long). Multiple outfits for every occasion: Main Outfit (Top, Sash, Bands, Bra, Panties, SHibari, Shoes, Veil), Casual Outfit (Hoodie, Top, Shorts, Panties, Socks, Shoes), Alternate Outfit (Jacket, Top, Straps, Shoes, Socks, Panties), Outfit Quickchanges, Glasses(Grab & Pose it!), Piercings & Jewelry (Arm Sleeve, Arm Bandage, Wrist Chain, Leg band, Ear Piercings, Septum, Nose Cross, Angel Fangs, Body Piercings, Eyebrow Piercing, Cover), Accessories (Spider Legs, Spider Eyes, Spider Fangs) Shapes and Colors: Inclusive Body Shape adjustments via sliders, Abs slider, Nail length, 4 alt makeup and 1 no makeup look, Makeup Color, Blood Overlay, Human Skintone Range (Pale - Tan - Dark), Full Fantasy Skintone Range, 3 tattoos (Back, Face Markings, Body Markings), Black Scalera, Eye Color (Each eye separately), White Eyebrows, 4 Eye alt tex, Hair Color + Emission, 4 Hair alt tex, Outfit/Main Color, Accent Color including Tongue, Metallics Hue + Saturation, Outfit Blacks Tint + Hue Adjustments, Tanlines, Shader Settings (Brightness, Shadow Strength, Wet Skin, Sweat, Glitter, Outline) ❱❱▶ Extras Props and addons: Flowy web ribbons with a unique rig, Spooky Stage with living eggs, Creepy Scatter Vanish Toggle with Sounds, Toy set, Lollipop, Allow Interaction toggle, GoGo Loco basic Special Effects: Spider Mode with fully procedural movement (Works best with the original avatar height ingame!), Color Shift for all VFX (Currently: Dissolve), Seat with adjustable Height❱❱▶ Avatar Dynamics Interactions & Idles: Face Idle, Spider Limbs idle, Limb Puppet, Tongue Puppet, Proper Physics & Collisions that adjust with body shapes, Contact Toggles, Expression Particles Toggle, Headpat, Nose boop, Ear pull, Tummy rub, Chest touch, Neck touch, Slap 12 different expressive gestures : Slow Blink via Trigger (Fist R, Fist L), Happy (Open R), Sleepy (Open L), Confused (Fingerpoint R), Sad (Fingerpont L), Shy Flirty (Victory R), Confident Flirty (Victory L), Annoyed (RockNRoll R), Angry (RockNRoll L), Smug (Handgun R), Timid (Handgun L), Surprised (ThumbsUp R), Blep (ThumbsUp L), Breath particles toggle for Flirty, Heart particles toggle for Headpet & Tummy Rub ❱❱▶ Optimized Version (PC Green) Optimized & Feature rich: Inclusive Body Shape adjustments via sliders, Accessories (Spider Eyes, Ear Piercing, Septum, Angel Fangs), Nail length, All Expressions & Contacts except Slap, Proper Physics & Squish Bones where supported, Casual Outfit, Shader Settings (Brightness, Shadow Strength, Wet Skin, Sweat, Glitter, Outline), Tattoo (Back, Face Markings, Body Markings), 8 alt hair tex, 4 alt makeups + color, runny makeup, 3 alt eye tex, Black Scalera, Human Skintone Range (Pale -> Tan -> Dark), Eyes (Each eye separtely: hue + saturation), Hair Color (hue + saturation), Hair Emission (strength + hue + saturation), Outfit (hue + saturation), Outfit Blacks Tint + Hue Adjustments, Vanish Toggle, Contact Toggle, GoGo Loco basic❱❱▶ Quest Version & Cross-Platform (PC) Mobile ready in all her glory: Texture detail baked into single maps, allowing higher res tex, comes with 2 different versions and 4 different colorschemes: Main Outfit, Casual outfit; Pale, Tan, Choco, Demon. All Expressions & Contacts, Proper Physics & Squish Bones where supported, Outfit toggle, Piercings & Jewelry (Arm Sleeve, Wrist Chain, Leg band, Ear Piercings, Septum, Nose Cross, Angel Fangs, Body Piercings, Eyebrow Piercing, Cover), Accessories (Spider Legs, Spider Eyes, Spider Fangs), Face Idle, Spider Limbs idle, Limb Puppet, Tongue Puppet, Nail length slider, Contact Toggles, Lollipop, GoGo Loco basic Additional Notes: Comes with all alternate eye and hair textures, simply drag & drop them into the materials 'Eye' and 'Hair' and upload them with it! Keep in mind that on Android/Quest you'll likely get an error-prompt about texture compression in your Upload Panel - Simply hit auto fix. ❱❱▶ By purchasing this asset you agree to adhere to and follow the following terms: - Do no claim the avatar or design to be yours.- This avatar is Personal Use only! Do not share, upload, distribute or make the avatar available to anyone else than yourself.- Do not reuse any assets from this avatar.- You are not allowed to use this avatar or its assets for any Commercial Use.- Credit Wolfs Den 3D when using our avatar in e.g. social media.❱❱▶ Credits All assets are made from scratch by Wolfs Den 3D except the following: Body - SanyaCosmos, Head - Saikura Body Textures - LPB, Makeup Overlay - LPB + Kaisumii, Eye Tex - LazyTheCat, Krinuts, Mowsterowo 1 + 2 Hair Main - Mooshiart, Hair long - Saikura, Hair Short - Saikura Hair Textures - mowsterowo, Skulli, WetCat, Hair Alpha - CicieaaaVR Main Outfit: Shoes - AresOlympus, Bra - CompelledInk Casual Outfit: Shoes - Apyr, Sweater - Blakecid, Top/Pants - Kannabee Alternate Outfit: Top + Straps - Alctrap, Shoes - Missehy, Jacket - Vinuzhka Handchains - Vinuzhka GoGo Loco - franada Other - Wholesome, Dismay SFX, VFX Texture - Motion Array Scionzenos - Spider IK & Support - https://x.com/Scionzenos - https://discord.com/invite/g7rQEGk Please check out all these talented creators! Keep in mind that we edit other assets often heavily, e.g. base and hair.Thank you for taking a look at our products here at Wolfs Den 3D! We're always looking for ways to give you the best Virtual Reality experience we can! Your support and interest is what keeps us going <3❱❱▶ https://discord.gg/wolfsden3d
Gumroad (wolfsden3d.gumroad.com)