I need this as soon as possible if any of you know this avatar let me know please
Sorry to break it to ya, but did you watched the video? In the intro it clearly said that it's not for public use and it was made by scratch. so sadly, you wouldn't get it anywhere.
@KurosanTwo Don't you know where I get this avatar from?
@KurosanTwo This avatar I've been searching for for years
unless you rip it from ripper you are out of luck
@KurosanTwo This avatar I've been searching for for years
@vbncv Also, just a friendly piece of advice, saying you need something that you actually just want doesn't really help you very much.
unless you rip it from ripper you are out of luck
I don't think OP understands anything. There's been 4 seperate posts with the same request too. If someone in this forum has the avatar you'll get it by trading or someone nice enough will provide it. As the good people before me said though, it's a private avatar unless you rip it.
Now please stop spamming.
@vbncv Also, just a friendly piece of advice, saying you need something that you actually just want doesn't really help you very much.
@PrIsMaTiSm What?
@PrIsMaTiSm What?
@vbncv هذا ليس آفي يمكننا الحصول عليه. إنه نموذج خاص مخصص.
@Certified_Waifu pray google translate does its job lol
@PrIsMaTiSm What?
@vbncv I'm saying this avatar is not necessary for your survival as a human.
@vbncv هذا ليس آفي يمكننا الحصول عليه. إنه نموذج خاص مخصص.
@Certified_Waifu aaaaaa thanks?
@Certified_Waifu pray google translate does its job lol
@Certified_Waifu ok?
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