LF: Deer Taurus【3Dモデル】鹿タウル【VRChatアバター】
【3Dモデル】鹿タウル【VRChatアバター】 - kaibatu2mm LAB - BOOTH
[3D model] CERViTAUR [VRChat avatar] https://twitter.com/kaibatu2mm/status/1547167703860854784 PC版VRC想定オリジナル3Dモデルです。 以下の規約に同意してご利用ください。 This is the original 3D model assumed by VRC for PC. Please agree to the following terms and conditions ●サンプル試着アバター設置ワールド →
Looking for this one! They're so pretty~!
Please use the search function next time ^^ (you copy the last numbers of the booth link, then search and put "Titles and Posts" in the In section) https://forum.ripper.store/topic/2594/lf-beriul/10 Aslo please don't bump a post more that once or maybe twice a day, don't worry people will still see it!
@Damnation oh tysm, my bad!