[found] LF Felicia by Livid Lily
I have it, give me time to upload it.
Here y'all go.
S Satoru Gojo referenced this topic on
@tiredofts I said the same thing earlier, her avatars from 2021-early 2024 when Charity revamp dropped WERE WAYYY BETTER. I mean even her early early avatar Abigail form 2021 was more impressive with more features. She just adds cheap assets insteads of trying now. I remember last year with Daisy or another avatar she was caught putting ripped assets on the avatar. It sucks how she dropped a lot of quality avatars from her store so you have to leaks to find them. I loved Belle and a lot of her 2023/2022 avatars.
@pinkcookie2777 I personally think Scarlett's avis are better made, she takes alot more time and puts harder work into them IMO. I'm happily waiting for her new avi to come out, I personally might purchase it due to how much I love her stuff!