LF: 肌の質感 Natural Skin Texture Selestia and or Manuka!! please!!
PLEASE!!!! I need them both if possible and of both light and dark ones!
肌の質感 Natural Skin Texture /【「マヌカ」Manuka】 - Lielii - BOOTH
This asset includes skin textures for the Manuka for customizing your own characters! i hope you find good use in those Tones <3 more colors rather less normal coming soon! ;) ●Avatar Compatible/対応アバター● 「マヌカ」manuka https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/5058077 🍃contents/内容🍃 ・Texture -4096px ∟png
肌の質感 Natural Skin Texture / Selestia「セレスティア」 - Lielii - BOOTH
This asset includes skin textures for the 「Selestia」 Model for customizing your own characters! i hope you find good use in those Skin Tones <3 more compatible avatars and colors rather less normal coming soon! ;) ●Avatars Compatible/対応アバター● Selestia「セレスティア」 https://booth.pm/ja/items/4035411
https://workupload.com/archive/5vv7t8WFGd SELESTIA ONLY
https://workupload.com/archive/5vv7t8WFGd SELESTIA ONLY
@stingraey I just found the Manuka one last night THANK YOU SO MUCH <333