「Full Version」 Izanami オリジナル3Dモデル 「伊邪那美」 - hanaechu - BOOTH
「Full Version」 Izanami オリジナル3Dモデル 「伊邪那美」 - hanaechu - BOOTH
This is a original 3D Character made by Hanaechu. ★Please note that the final product may differ from the VROID HUB preview. Please refer to BOOTH PAGE photos for accurate item display. ★「最終製品はVROID HUBのプレビューと異なる場合がございます。正確なアイテム表示については、BOOTHページの写真をご参照ください。」 試着ワールドはこちら
「伊邪那美」マジカワ 振袖 DLC READY 衣装セット VRChat Modular Avatar対応 Unitypackage - hanaechu - BOOTH
・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. ★NOTE BEFORE BUYING>★ The Password for DLC READY animations can be found in Izanami's basemodel Download Page. 商品内容: