Estir by Itzbarcelona
Estir the King In Yellow (From SuckerForLove:FirstDate)
With each new avatar my whole shop gets a discount code for 15% off USE CODE: KINGYELLOW [Valid til 1/1]Do what you want with it and tag me on twitter if you post about it. Just don't resell it easy as thatNeeded Packages:-Uses the CreatorCompanion-Poiyomi Toon-VRCFuryIncluded with this avatar:-SPS Setup and Penetrator-GoGo Loco-Fullbody compatiableAvatar Specs:PolyCount- 270808Materials- 18Overall Performance-Very PoorCredits:AkaBakaTheir Twitter @ChromatoseDevMy INFOTwitter- @Itz_BarcelonaDiscord- iibarcelonaDM if there's any problems with it
Gumroad (