LF: 18+ Freaky Nights Bundle
@tittiesenjoyer TYyy
A small question, I'm just getting to know blender. Can anyone tell me why some parts of the models in the files can't be made visible and rendered (they glow purple)
A small question, I'm just getting to know blender. Can anyone tell me why some parts of the models in the files can't be made visible and rendered (they glow purple)
@Crazymarshal it's a drive, remove it, idk how it works
@Crazymarshal yeah, maybe I create a new topic for this one, or stay here
Can you upload one at time?
Please, i cant download.
Say a corupted archive -
Can you upload one at time?
Please, i cant download.
Say a corupted archive@Ignha you want me to upload the characters one by one?
@Ignha you want me to upload the characters one by one?
if you can, I would appreciate it.
it's ok if you don't -
if you can, I would appreciate it.
it's ok if you don't@Ignha I'll try