麗猫メイド Victorian Whiskers Maid 猫セット付 FULL
複数アバター対応 麗猫メイド Victorian Whiskers Maid 猫セット付 #MURASAKIYA - murasaki-ya - BOOTH
サンプルワールド MURASAKIYAのGallery Worldで展示中です。 https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_f881ebb2-2036-46ae-bcd3-871db319aa3e フルセットSALE3,400円 対応揃い次第通常価格3,600円 本衣装はしなの、桔梗、マヌカ、愛莉、セレスティア、舞夜、ショコラ、ライム、シフォン、萌、カリン、ラスク、りりか、瑞希ルルネ、森羅、ルキフェル(まるぼでぃ素体
Thank you so much again this year.
have fun
5 days only -
There was insufficient confirmation.
Here it is. -
i have airi, selestia, and shinano
if you'd like any of those i'm willing to give them @meowW
Make sure you use WinRAR to open the folder -
@PurpleElysia this is only the materials, can you upload the file containing the FBX and prefabs?
@PurpleElysia Extracted with 7zip. This is the only file I see.