For those considering VRM pro. Don't.
W Collectathon moment
TDLR; It's not worth it if you browse the Ripperstore forums. And prefer free things.
The vast majority of items posted in the paid section of VRM are either originally uploaded on RS or will inevitably be posted on RS by other people with pro or other people who bought the asset. Someone on the VRM site had asked me if pro was worth it. When I attempted to give my honest opinion, the site prevented me from mentioning Ripperstore in DMs at all, which effectively prevents people from discussing the exact thing I'm talking about here. I don't support censorship. At all. So once I found this out, I stopped using the site before my pro even ran out.
Everything they make you pay for can be (or will eventually be) found on Ripperstore for free. You're also likely to find much more up to date assets here, as things are rarely updated on VRM.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
They work quick when they're butthurt
VRM mods not get butthurt challenge: impossible
@blapanda @XV456v1 I've always found it funny how every single banned account is listed as having "violated the site rules." The amount of people I've seen banned over minor disagreements (with no instigation) or even just asking questions is absurd. In technicality, I didn't break any of their rules. I made a post on an external site detailing the fact that they're selling a service that people can essentially aquire on their own for free, while preventing them from discussing other options. I wouldn't doubt if there are other leaker sites that are also banned from being discussed in posts or DMs.
LOL this post comes up on the first page of Google when you search "vrmodels"
@blapanda @XV456v1 I've always found it funny how every single banned account is listed as having "violated the site rules." The amount of people I've seen banned over minor disagreements (with no instigation) or even just asking questions is absurd. In technicality, I didn't break any of their rules. I made a post on an external site detailing the fact that they're selling a service that people can essentially aquire on their own for free, while preventing them from discussing other options. I wouldn't doubt if there are other leaker sites that are also banned from being discussed in posts or DMs.
@Collectathon Yeah, they banned me awhile back for calling out a dude on there for some pretty fucked up shit. Very crooked people running the site. Just the admin alone harasses users on there and is toxic as hell
I doubt they themselves even follow their own guidelines lol. The guidelines they do have aren't enforced equally either, especially when it comes to ripped models being on their site. I've downloaded multiple avis from their site that are actually just ripped and repaired packages, but I've seen one case where a vtuber model was ripped and shared on the site and was removed quickly. I frankly don't care about ripped stuff being on there, it's just the lack of equal enforcement that annoys me.
damn near every vrmodels upload is stuff found here first lol, literally zero reason to spend money on another pirating site
@zeta-zaza Exactly and the "We have staff that verify 30 models a day" great job for doing the bare minimum- oh wait you don't even do that because I've seen avatars with gonso that haven't been decrypted uploaded on there.
I had my "fair share" with the admin over there, over a discussion with a kinda retarded and anti-community oriented uploader (Bambi or whatever that users name was, pro member account), that he never uploads the avis with a bloody description of the damned requirements for those avatar packages, and lots of people complaining about it. When I started to point that out as "If you are doing this, by uploading those avis, do it properly" and added the requirements for that one avatar, which I liked, and that retard started to insult me over a couple of comments. I reported that behavior. Guess who got banned for 4 months. If you've guessed "not him only", then you are right.
Got a typical "you are insulting each other", while you can clearly read the history of the comment section that this is truely not the case for my side.This is when I realized, that pos admin is a bloody idiot, as stupid as its pro-member slaves.
That site just went straight to hell after the leadership / mods changed.
They'll allow people throwing insults and violent threats at one another in the comments, but the moment you state that the average eboy model is ugly (which they are) or simply drop an "ew" on certain fetish models, boom, 5 month suspension!
They're incompetent.
Sharing files for personal use is one thing, but making a business venture out of it? That's just fucked up. I wonder what they do with the credit card details people give them.
Sharing files for personal use is one thing, but making a business venture out of it? That's just fucked up. I wonder what they do with the credit card details people give them.
@avatarofcorn I had literally added this exact point to one of my posts here, but deleted it in case I ended up getting defensive messages from people who refuse to admit what they're actually doing. Let's be honest with ourselves here. Collecting, using and distributing paid assets for free is piracy and none of us are innocent. But to make money off of that is a whole other beast.
I've noticed there's a lot of people who attempt to justify themselves with things like "but the creator was a meanie," or "they derived their product from something else on the internet so it's morally justifiable to leak." Deriving ideas from other works is something that literally all artists do. Humans can rarely think of actual new ideas, give it a try and you'll find out just how "unoriginal" people are once you realize that everything you're imagining in your head is just an amalgamation of things you've seen in your life. People just need to be honest with themselves and call it what it is. Petty "vengeance" at best, and piracy at worst.
Thank you for dropping this post as I just recently considered trying the premium there to see what they offer. I will not do that now.
thats so interesting, i never knew people were actually willing to pay for vrm pro. :3