GIFT:mamehinata genshin/wutheringwaves etc clothes
I keep having the hardest time with the hairs cause they're always so high above the models, even when I just drag and drop it into the scene.... any advise?
@TokeiNeko it takes alot of practice to ajust it normaly i go to the head bone of the armature and ajust it and look at it at all angles till its ready
@shelby_da_wolf TYYY UR MY ICON, legit haunted ur public version of these when I could, do you ever plan on making a neuvillette?
@spicepie i do have a nurvi kit for kipfel and mamehinata : 3
@spicepie i do have a nurvi kit for kipfel and mamehinata : 3
@shelby_da_wolf ILY
@sakurish heres march and all her outfits :3 and for the others ill have to make them
@shelby_da_wolf Thank you so much!
Do you happen to have furina by any chance? Please and Thank you!!
Is there one for Raiden Shogun by chance? Thank you for the edits!
@ky0 lumine should be in the top link and stelle is here
Is there one for Raiden Shogun by chance? Thank you for the edits!
heres her outfit and hair her eye textures and ears are missing for some reason -
Do you happen to have furina by any chance? Please and Thank you!!
@shelby_da_wolf THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Thank you!
Would you have Al Haitham, Zhongli or Neuv? And do you only do genshin ones? -
@Kyoru i do many from different fandoms like wuthering waves honkai genshin etc :3 and we have
meanwhile alhaitham is needing a remake due to some people reporting the damn files lmao
zhezhi mamehinata or kipfel? :3 and you shld make a tut how to make the clothes fit the bases
@sakurish ill have to make it and ive tried video stuff but i suck at recording myself i cringeeee