LF Sinicat3_Hair 02
Sinicat3_Hair 02
HAIR FROM SCRATCH BY ME & WEIGHT PAINTTexture DL⤵Hair texture by meContent Objects:Sinicat3 Type 1 Vertices:73,129 Edges:115,978 Faces:43,000 Ttiangles:86,813 Objects:Sinicat3 Type 2 Vertices:81,054 Edges:129,260 Faces:48,847 Ttiangles:97,708 Objects:Sinicat3 Type 3 Vertices:61,834 Edges:98,499 Faces:37,123 Ttiangles:74,260 x… Rules: Commercial, Personal, Free, Nitro and public avatars use is totally fine.允许使用在商业、个人、免费、Nitro和公开模型上。 When used to avatar, please remember credit to Sinicat3 and link.当用于头像时,请记住归功于Sinicat3和链结。 You can put it in your model for sale, but please don’t resell this fbx after some slight editing.你可以将其放入販售模型中,但请不要对其进行细微修改后再转售此物品。 Do not resell, share or trade packages/nitro. 不得转售、分享或交易文件包或FBX。 All assets that i have created from scratch are prohibited from being used in selling avatars without permission or purchase. 未经许可或购买,禁止在贩售的模型上使用我从零开始创建的所有素材。 Please share the gumroad link instead of sharing or sending files.请共享gumroad链接,而不是共享或发送文件。 没有闲鱼账户,随时会检查闲鱼内容,禁止用任何方式进行二次贩卖,若让我发现我将采取法律程序。 If you encounter any problems after purchase, you can contact me. 如果您在购买后遇到任何问题,可以联系我。
Gumroad (sinicat3.gumroad.com)