GIFT : dump of tinies assets
aaaa ilyyy :3333 do u have any of soras assets?
@guttedheartxd funny thing is, tinie stole the idea of making these hairclips from sora. the girl has 0 sense of personality or originality
@fluffye3 exactly ! my friend was in her server but shes non stop disrespectful and so are her members, she cant make nothing for herself and is insanely unoriginal so she needs someone to do it for her, loser :pp
[EDIT] one of her staffs paw is insanely rude too, like shes non stop bitching allll the time lol.
@nekoluvvs exactly, anything for popularity and fame, her avatars are so ass and she still uses soras assets and literally leaked them too lol, say ur a fan or something..
@nekoluvvs ughh her avatars are so ugly tooo like they look like they can barely breathe.. with the way she modifies their bodies
Thanks! Any pictures. I have no idea who this author is nor what her content looks like
@pinkcookie2777 the images didnt work when i was making this so im not sure
who are sora and tinie? i keep seeing their names tossed around the last couple of weeks im starting to get curious
@L3monSh4rk some people who make/edit booth models and make them public. thats as far as my knowledge on them go though
@L3monSh4rk they were avi creators who edited booth avis manuka) made them look like lolis and half naked sent dog and child stuff ykyk and sora is likeeee 18 or 19? and tinie is 17 and they were racist sayin the n word and stuff when not black !! i heard soras getting better and takin therapy now but what they did was still bad and tinie has a fanbase still which is so weird
so strange kids with no screen time, got it
vrchat it so genuinely detrimental for minors, or anyone really -
LOLOLOL she's on you girl....