GIFT : dump of tinies assets
@sweetazuki its so funny, it was bound to happen anyway~ lmfao
did she post in her discord or sum lolll idk why tinie still has fans
@nekoluvvs yes she went on a tangent
ive been banned frm her server for so long lol
i got banned too loolll, honestly she deserved to get her garbo assets leaked, shes a terrible person
i deadass thought her and sora were the same person
@sweetazuki tinies worse tbh loll
loll one of them r in my dms
btw since this is relevant, does any1 have soras my melodi backpack from her booster assets?? i boosted her server before it was deleted so i have her clips, but i never downloaded the backpack
i got ittt
i can send her hairclips in return!
i have all of soras assets i can just send u the backpack hold on
@nekoluvvs probably yeah, probably had a little temper tantrum, lmfao couldnt be me ;3
@sweetazuki tinies a child fetishizing weirdo who thinks acting like a little girl is cute. She deserves everything that comes to her + her avis all look rlly low quality. The only reason she has a fanbase is cause she stole soras personality
@nekoluvvs lol i heard she blacklisted you , yet didnt blacklist me , the person who made the fucking forum lmfao!!
@nekoluvvs lol i dont think so i only saw the screenshot it