[FOUND] CHIRP Collar Megapack by Reava_
CHIRP Collar Megapack (+ OSC Leash & Bracelets + Pride Pack)
Collar, Leash and Bracelets~A pack of many collars, leashes and bracelet designs, optimized for VR and custom made with the highest quality in full PBR.Enjoy a dozen custom designs and many presets allowing you to customize your accessories to your liking with very little efforts and infinite possibilities~Previews done with Unity scene view to look as close to in-game as possible! (Only post effect is contrast)The collar should fit all avatars with ease so long as you have a neck and space on said neck for a collar.Once purchased, the asset is your responsibility to add and fit to your avatar! Please only purchase if you have the knowledge and capability to use it.The collar comes with 4 tag shapes and many design options to choose from!For using the OSC leash prefab, refer to this Github for instructions on how to use it, as it requires a separate program:>> https://github.com/ZenithVal/OSCLeashWARNING: This asset uses VRCfury to automate install on avatars, download it before importing! https://vrcfury.com/downloadThis asset also requires that you have the Poiyomi version 9 or more installed: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader>> PACKAGE TIER DETAILS Disclaimer: The packages are based and setup for VRChat use. OSC leash and Pride materials do not work outside of Unity. (Pride textures are still included and easy to port outside of Unity with the aid of the provided Substance file) Basic: (6€) > Collar, Leash (Physbones), Bracelet variant> 8+ quality premade designs to choose from made in Substance painter> MANY materials to choose from and easily edit (Pattern, Colors and more! Fully colored, dual bands, patterns and Pride designs!)> Material setup with easy basic recolors (RGB Color), tiled designs (Poiyomi decal) and name edit (PSD template) OSC Variant: (7€) > Basic package> Includes material setup to customize the design of the leash separately if you wish to> Includes prefab for OSC leash for you as a drag and drop setup (Requires OSC leash program)> Includes prefab for owner control (Allows another person with the matching prefab to toggle your leash ON/OFF, or public control) Pride Pack: (8€, Recommended) > Basic & OSC Packages included> Entire pride pack for your collar and/or bracelet! This contains over 36 Different pride flags all polished for use and drag and drop!See preview images for what the pack includes! Artist package: (12€) > Basic, Pride & OSC packages> Includes the full Substance Painter project to customize everything!Every single stitch line, material settings/type, hand painted shadows onto your design & much more!This allows you to keep hand painted, quality shadows onto your design, as well as a higher quality name stamp, etc.The substance file is set up for ease of use with colors, everything is named, and organized properly.This also contains a preset for a leather variant instead of fabric! Commercial license: (30€) > All packages> Includes rights to use in commercial projects, refer to the Commercial License Terms of Service at the bottom of this page or in the files of the package for info, or join the discord if you have questions.Want a Custom Design for your Collar but don't know how to ?>> Worry not, you can request your own design through my discord! 5$ for a texture design, 10$ for any changes affecting more than the textures.This means that even if you don't know how to, you can get a high quality edit of your choice with hand painted shadows and more without paying the extra for the substance file, only the cost of the commission itself! I will match IRL collars, design ideas, color palettes or, you can even give me creative freedom and just show me some stuff you like/your avatar and I'll make one for you ^^ Don't hesitate to ask!(Prices subject to change if your request proves to require more, I reserve the right to set a price or decline a request.)>> SUPPORTI only offer basic support on discord: https://discord.gg/TxYwUFKbUSPlease use the discord to report any bugs, issues, ask about the TOS, or any feedback.>> INFOIncludes Unity Package & ZIP file with prefabs, mesh, full res PBR textures (with variants and material setup)> Blendshapes: 6+ (Bracelet and Collar have different ones)> Materials: 1 for the collar, 1 for the leash. (Both use the same textures!)> Faces (Lowest Triangle count variant): 1,375 Collar - 1,476 Leash> Package download size: 180~Mb for the Pride Megapack | 400~Mb for the Substance file in the Artist Pack.Want to see me make more assets like this?> Join my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Reava> Find all my other links here: https://linktr.ee/Reava_- Terms of Service> I do NOT offer refunds.> Commercial/For-Profit Use: ONLY with purchase of commercial license, prohibited otherwise.> By purchasing you are agreeing that you understand how to use this asset and will follow all terms and conditions below:- Personal License>> Permitted> Using on personal avatars (on any platform) that are NOT redistributed or sold online is permitted.> Using as world or game asset in non-profit-seeking projects is permitted as long as credit to the author is given> Modification of the asset is permitted; including mesh data, bones, textures, etc.>> Not Permitted> Distribution or monetization (reselling/sharing) of the files contained in this package and package itself is prohibited;> Using on avatars that are meant to be public is prohibited without a commercial license.> Claiming this product is your own creation is prohibited> You may not use this asset as a base to create other assets; in other words, do not use the mesh or texture data to create your own individual products> Using this product or any derivative of it to train generative AI is strictly prohibited- Commercial LicensePlease follow these rules if you have bought the commercial license and are planning on using this asset in for-profit projects:> Using on fully-completed avatars meant to be sold on online storefronts or as commissions is permitted as long as the TOS is strictly followed; do NOT, however, redistribute this asset by itself> Do not include this asset in avatars that are redistributed for free or for a lower value than the selling price of the base package.> Credit is required in the description on your listing, including a link to the original asset itself.> You can use this Asset in public avatars so long as credit is given in some way, the avatar is NOT downloadable for free in any way, and the platform you're using secures the assets uploaded. (Resonite public avatars are considered prohibited due to the current permission system not allowing sufficient protection.)> You must have your own Terms of Services stating not to redistribute any of the files of your product.> You must include the original Terms of Service.txt file alongside your asset when selling products that contains it.
Gumroad (reava.gumroad.com)
I already own the pride pack (it has everything but the .psd files).
Should I leak it here?
And how would i go at that just upload the unity packages here or do I have to edit them in some way to make it hard to figure out that it was me who leaked it? -
First time doing this.
If you download this and you can upvote this message, PLEASE DO!!!!!
Link: https://workupload.com/file/Qhdeg8FadvUHave fun!
And if updates come out ping me and I will update the files! -
L Luminescent referenced this topic on
L Luminescent referenced this topic on
bump for SPP files
Bump for SPP files