LF: ReMinato by Filn (Found by Iwanttostayanon)
Filn sadly left vrchat and DeviantArt and deleted all of their accounts, the only ways to get their avatars anymore should be from either edits on DeviantArt from people who worked with their stuff, or ripping it from someone who ripped it as well, "conconcocoa" was their account on DeviantArt if you want to look around for their stuff
Filn sadly left vrchat and DeviantArt and deleted all of their accounts, the only ways to get their avatars anymore should be from either edits on DeviantArt from people who worked with their stuff, or ripping it from someone who ripped it as well, "conconcocoa" was their account on DeviantArt if you want to look around for their stuff
@garden ahh i see!! the reason i posted it was cause my ex had it and as dumb as it sounds I wanna reclaim the avatar type deal? so there may be a public? imma look around then and see what I can find lol but tysm!!
I'm pretty sure I saw a public version of this avatar by searching with the avatar search. Ive been trying to get it too, ironically also because I had an ex who used it. Hope you find it! If I get the files for it Ill post about it. Unfortunately I have every filn avatar except this one for some reason. I remember there being an avatar world too with it
I'm pretty sure I saw a public version of this avatar by searching with the avatar search. Ive been trying to get it too, ironically also because I had an ex who used it. Hope you find it! If I get the files for it Ill post about it. Unfortunately I have every filn avatar except this one for some reason. I remember there being an avatar world too with it
@blackviperxvi oooo we're twinning - Would you be open to sharing some of the other models ? Also i haven't had the chance to look i forgot abt this tbh but I'll try and remember later LOL
CHATT I FOUND HIM!!! @blackviperxvi @garden
also found this beauty and wanna snag him up if someone can rip these 2!! ↓
CHATT I FOUND HIM!!! @blackviperxvi @garden
also found this beauty and wanna snag him up if someone can rip these 2!! ↓
@WolfyPawz__ Shiina https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6cdj04wjfpmvdr0yolkqf/AELBDSV7r3ftBQ4H8NGHTzY?rlkey=5opl9ripesiwr4k9mpqy2oen6&st=fe0mzp8x&dl=0
original pmx. "cat" are the fbx of his ears. I am not really sure why thats in there.