LF: Vampy by Miku
VAMPY | PC + Quest
𝗩𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗬 𝗯𝘆 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗺𝗶𝗸𝘂 Join server for $5 off ! 2022 Unity + FBT Dancer Ready Free Uploads in server ! Poiyomi 9.0.57All materials move with world lighting and shadows ! Dissolve Toggles Fake Index Gestures + Combo Facial Gestures + Gesture Particles30+ Gestures with Combinations ! In-Game Like System along with many other Interactions !When anyone Nose Boops this model (with Like System enabled) a small pop-up will appear counting the boops along with a small sound effect Headpats with heart particles along with ear movement Butt Smack handprint and slap sound Kiss sound effect with facial gesture when interacting with another players headHand on Neck facial gesture Full SPS setup with SFX More info on this in server ! GoGo LocomotionGreat for desktop and half-body use, adds many sit and prone animations to choose from along with a new avatar preview pose in the menu Full Skin Tone slider Lots of In-Game customization (Hue Shifts, Texture Swaps, etc.) No extra paid packages needed for upload ! Hair OptionsLong Hair (w/ 2 Bangs Options)Low BunsPigtailsWolfcut TopsBraChainsCorsetHarnessLace TopPastiesPiercingsRipped TopSleeve TopCorset Lace Top2 Different Warmers BottomsBeltsMore ChainsCross GarterGartersHarnessLeg SpikePantiesSkirt FullBabydoll DressDressRopes ShoesAnkle HeelsChunky HeelsStockingsLeg Warmers AccessoriesBandaidsChokersCrossEarringsGhosty PlushGlassesHaloCross HaloHead WingsMouth ChainNecklacesRingsSyringes Species / Ears + TailHornsKitty EarsSuccu TailSuccu WingsAngel Wings Likes SystemNose Boop interaction that sets off a counted Like System next to your avatar on contact !Counter goes up to 255 likes before prestige ! Counter can go up to prestige 255 aswell.Likes are stored between avatars and worlds until avatar is reset Interactions5 Different contact interactions with toggles to turn each on/offHeadpats, Nose Boops, Hand on Neck, Kiss, and SmacksMany with SFX or Particle effects ! Marker MenuMarker on/offColor Hue for MarkerEraser and Full Clear Local Space CustomizationFull Hue ShiftSkin Tone RadialBody SlidersFull White SwapGold SwapHair Colors + Hue GoGo LocomotionLots of custom Prone and Crouching animations aswell as flying and emotes, great for quest and half-body use ! SPSInfo on this in server only !! TopsBraChainsSleeve Top BottomsChainsCross GarterGartersPanties FullRopes ShoesStockingsChunky HeelsLeg Warmers Accessories BandaidsChokerGhosty PlushGlassesCross HaloNecklaceRings Syringes Species/Ears & TailHornsKitty EarsSuccu Tail 3 Different Skin Tone Variants in Unity Package GoGo LocomotionLots of custom Prone and Crouching animations aswell as flying and emotes, great for quest and half-body use ! Free Uploads in server for anyone !If upload is needed, just join the server and create a ticket including your receipt or email address used to purchase the avatar and me or the upload team can help you ! How To Upload (PC)VCC is HIGHLY recommended for this avatar upload !!Avatar was made in Unity 2022.3.6 !1. Import newest VRC SDK with VCC2. Add Poiyomi and VRCFury to your VCC Packages if not already added Link For VCC Poiyomi and VRCFury3. Import VRCFury through VCC4. Import Poiyomi 9.0.57 through VCC5. Open your Unity project !6. Import Hanako into your Unity assets folder !7. Log in and Upload ! How To Upload (Quest)VCC is HIGHLY recommended for this avatar upload !!Avatar was made in Unity 2022.3.6 !1. Import newest VRC SDK with VCC2. Open Unity project3. Import Hanako Quest Version4. Log In5. Switch build target to Android6. Upload ! How To Attach Quest Variant to PC UploadAssuming you already have done the steps above for both uploads !1. Go to 'Content Manager' Tab on the VRChat SDK Upload Window2. Find Hanako and copy ID3. Paste the Blueprint ID into your Pipeline Manager after clicking on Hanako Quest in the Hierarchy 4. Upload ! Personal Use Package ONLY No leaking/sharing the package. This package is not to be shared with friends or anything of that sort they must buy it too. Do not claim the avatar as your own. Do not take any assets off this avatar under any circumstances. No Uploading the model publicly. No reselling any asset on the model or the model itself. Do not re use anything i have done personally on any of my models for your sold or personal models. If used on social media (Instagram, TikTok, etc.) do not gatekeep the model and dont claim as your own (even if edited). No price splitting. You cannot resell this avatar, even if edited. If edited, please do not edit to the extent of not being able to tell it is made by me anymore. (Taking off everything but a head or body, replacing all clothing, etc.) If incorrect information is given on gumroad your license will be revoked and you will no longer have access or rights to the model. Don't use my model for any sort of hate towards other people in any way. If you are purchasing this model as a gift you must enter their information at checkout or your license will be revoked. Do not use my model for any sort of V-Tubing, Twitch, Streaming, Fansly, OnlyFans, etc. (This can be sorted out but you MUST come to me beforehand of using it for any of the above) No trading this package. All sales are final, if you have an issue you can contact me and we can arrange something since digital products are non-refundable. When buying my model you agree to these terms. Nothing on this model is for reuse !Cross, Renders, Quest Version, and Bottom Harness by meHead (edited by me) by sivka. | Body (edited by me) by zinpia | Succu Set, Garters, Warmers 2, Bandaids, Skirt, Corset + Sleeve Top, Horns, Belts, Bottom Chains, Bra, Pigtails, Long Hair, and Panties by saikura | Syringes, Necklace, and Earrings by milkymutt. | Corset, Dress, Ropes, Lace Top, Top Chains, Halo, Pasties, Angel Wings, and Top Piercings by nauuki | Expression Particles by Kisu | Chunky Heels, Stockings, and Choker by Petty Store | Wolfcut by nakuvr | Cross halo by iThrowOrphans | Baby Doll Dress by cringy | Puppy Necklace and Head Wings by blxxd | Kitty Ears by Winks | Rings by SockEmBopEm |
Gumroad (mikuuuu.gumroad.com)