Ophelia ~ Furry Horse/Equine Avatar For Vrchat!
Ophelia ~ Furry Horse/Equine Avatar For Vrchat!
THIS AVATAR IS PC ONLY!PAYHIP: payhip.com/Thunderkitsune why use payhip? gumroad takes a 30% cut of all products found on the discover page- payhip doesn't. Almost all of it goes to me instead of going to GR.~This product requires unity knowledge! I am not responsible for helping you set it up.~ Features: Full MMD blendshapes! 4 different versions with different outfits and features! All 4 versions come with a premade horse and donkey version! Optional Blendshapes for Draft/Donkey version! Full Super Plug Shader compatible! Boop + Kiss reaction! TOSDo not redistribute, resell, share or trade this product. This is considered a final product, refunds are not available.Private use only. No public uploads.By buying this product you agree you are 18+ years of age.Do not claim you made this product.Commercial use for streaming/videography/texture work is allowed.Commercial use where you edit the base mesh into a new avatar is NOT allowed.For commissions both parties must own this product. May not be used for NFTs or any NFT projects.May not be used for AI learning or in projects involving or promoting AI.By purchasing this product you agree to my TOS!Credits! Body Base + extras ~ https://skuny.gumroad.comYohma ~ https://yohma.carrd.co/Cheeze ~ https://payhip.com/cheezeNessy ~https://nessy.storePettyStore ~https://pettystore.gumroad.comSockEmBopEm ~https://sockembopem.gumroad.comYes Please Ty ~https://yespleasety.gumroad.comSzkuna ~https://szkuna44.gumroad.comChai Latte ~https://chailatte.gumroad.comBeardieChan ~ https://beardiechan.gumroad.comBlazedAssets ~https://blazedassets.gumroad.comWinxie ~https://payhip.com/WinxieVRNEGI ~https://negi1216.gumroad.comGoodOmes ~https://payhip.com/GoodOmensWOLVES STUDIO ~https://wolvesstudio.gumroad.comRinebean ~https://rinebean.gumroad.comIvy_creates ~ https://payhip.com/IvysCreationsofMegan ~https://creationsofmegan.gumroad.comJorgenVRC ~https://jorgenvrc.gumroad.comTwamy ~https://twamy.gumroad.comLOLO~https://payhip.com/LoloVRChatMoosMarket~https://payhip.com/MoosMarketMunchlaxs ~ https://munchlaxs.gumroad.comAmboolents ~https://payhip.com/AmboolentsTheThiccWitch ~ https://payhip.com/TheThiccWitchNymphee ~https://nymphee.gumroad.com RubiisFreebies ~ https://booth.pm/en/items/3924971Valentini Doll ~ https://valentivr.gumroad.comGM ~ https://gmsbox.gumroad.comMoonlight Peach ~ moonlightpeachh.gumroad.com/l/PhAWbIf i missed any credit let me know and i'll fix it asap!If something is deliberately not listed i made it!HUGE thank you to Yohma for supporting me and pushing me to make this! <3also shout out to my biggest inspiration Foxipaws! Without her amazing work i wouldn't be here! <3
Gumroad (thunderkitsune.gumroad.com)
@Riverats does the model have its own SPP files? :0