LF:Nisha By Valorlynz
@DropTheBeat True, but there is a solution for every problem. Have you visited these two guys' Patreon channels?
Unfortunately I am in a situation where I am banned and could not upgrade my Patreon. If yours is upgraded, go to these two channels and maybe you will find something -
But my gut feeling is that it should be on their Discord server.
nisha (bluedingo), dividebyezer0, dogzeela, valorlynz, 3d (artwork) - Furry 34 com
Rule 34 - If it exists, there is porn of it. We aspire to be the biggest image archive of rule34 content.
Furry 34 com (furry34.com)
Hello, look at this model. I have been trying to find it for several days, but it seems impossible to find it. I hope someone here has it, so if anyone has it, please share it with us.
@aloneboy_87 yep every commissioned model of valor has been a no go
it's a custom model of someone's oc, it won't be available on patreon. they give their models out to people who make renders or animations, nothing else.
mega bump
very bump dude
it's a custom model of someone's oc, it won't be available on patreon. they give their models out to people who make renders or animations, nothing else.
@LeonSexKennedy To find it, we need to find the owner of the model and tell him to hand over the model to us. If anyone has it, please share it with us.
(I am an animator myself) -
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