LF: Kemono Sylveon by Lunesnowtail
i'm looking for the AD version witch is apparently the nsfw one you got for being apart of their patreon for when they released it but the issue is its no longer obtainable to my knowledge would anyone happen to have the ad version i am subbed to their patreon and what not but its only out for like a month at a time and was not subscribed during that month
I must say I hate the system of how many of the avatar maker's work on how only if you are subscribed for that month you get the item cause its then just banking on the fact people forget they are subbed and waste money or only for people with lots of disposable income cause to get this the pirated way I would have to go into that cesspool in shallow parts of the deep web I would much rather pay upfront but I cant do that.
as far as im aware the ad dlc is available on their gumroad
as far as im aware the ad dlc is available on their gumroad
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/36814/lf-kemono-sylveon-dx-version?_=1732071826999 Its been posted here along with other files as well, look on the 2nd page