textures, clothes & assets for foxmoth ^^
hi ^^ here are all the textures, clothes & assets that I would like to have for foxmoth. I'll update every time someone shares or I make a purchase
textures :
Fox Moth Athena
Body, Bug parts, and fluff/ears/tail! No Eyes3 emission maps and Matcaps used in picture provided.Fluff, Tail and Ears, BodyThese textures work with the Fox Moth by DarbiThis does NOT include:- Any files belonging to the base Moth package.Do you need help putting together the avatar? Or would you like a personal texture?$20+ Textures$20+ Unity ProjectsJoin my discordNote:There are no refunds.DO NOTResell, redistribute or share this texture.Making publics or cloneables with this texture.Share the license key that is given upon purchase.claim this texture as your own creation.recreate this texture on another model without permission given by me.If you have any problems email: [email protected]
Gumroad (black2araven56.gumroad.com)
Fox Moth Texture
Body, and fluff/ears/tail! No Eyes No Bug Parts4 emission maps:x2 Fluff/Ears and the tail, x2 Body EmissionsThese textures work with the Fox Moth by DarbiGet this free in my discord!!!After 4 days, you'll see a channel with the files!DiscordThis does NOT include:- Any files belonging to the base Moth package.- Textures for the bug partsNote:There are no refunds.DO NOTResell, redistribute or share this texture.Making publics or cloneables with this texture.Share the license key that is given upon purchase.claim this texture as your own creation.recreate this texture on another model without permission given by me.If you have any problems email: [email protected]
Gumroad (black2araven56.gumroad.com)
Fox Moth Persephone
Body, bug parts, and fluff! No EyesThese textures work with the Fox Moth by DarbiThis does NOT include:- Any files belonging to the base Moth package.Note:There are no refunds.DO NOTResell, redistribute or share this texture.Making publics or cloneables with this texture.Share the license key that is given upon purchase.claim this texture as your own creation.recreate this texture on another model without permission given by me.If you have any problems email: [email protected]
Gumroad (black2araven56.gumroad.com)
Slime FoxMoth (Model edit)
This is a model edit for Darbi'sFox Moth! If you're looking to purchase the base avi, go to her shop here! - https://darbi.gumroad.com/l/foxmothThis avatar edit is the result of a collab with Kita Sekki ! Check her Gumroad here : https://kitastextureden.gumroad.com/ This avatar edit features : A fully modeled skeleton made from scratch A beating heart Detailed textures with in depth shader effects Spring joint slimes by GM - https://gmsbox.gumroad.com/l/Hydrobending Refitted Ripped outfit by Fooly Stuffz - https://foolystuffz.gumroad.com/l/RippedFit This Avatar edit includes : A unity package already setup with all the textures applied and the shader ready You just have to open the scene once imported on the main project (named Slime Foxmoth in the root of the project) the textures are using the Poiomii shader to work properly (You need at least version 9.0 or above) on your project before importing the .unitypackage. All other files : (SPP, Blender, and FBX) Require ownership verification of the original Foxmoth base through Darbiβs Discord Server - https://discord.com/invite/V3b4TapzGvDo not upload as public, private use only. This Avatar is meant for use on Pc as it requires poyomii to make the effects workThanks to Sbesebastian for his help on the recording/video editing on the model previewYou can join my discord if you need any help setting it up or giving me feedback https://discord.gg/wfktRQfVs2
Gumroad (natchdeux.gumroad.com)
gemstone foxmoth texture found by me ^^
https://vrmodels.store/other/textures/44493-gemstone-foxmoth-texture.htmlGemstone FoxMoth texture (for the FoxMoth)
This texture work is the result of a collab with Kita Sekki ! Check her Gumroad here : https://kitastextureden.gumroad.com/This is just a Texture for Darbi's FoxMoth! No avatar is included in the files. If you're looking to purchase the base avatar, go to her shop here! - https://darbi.gumroad.com/l/foxmothThis Texture Pack includes : A unity package already setup with all the textures applied and the shader ready, you just have to open the scene once imported on the main project (named FoxMoth_V1_Gemsstones in the root of the project) the substance painter files the base textures files and masks used the textures are using Poyomii to work properly, which should already be included in Azalea's files, but in case you removed it on your project, please make sure to have poyomii (at least version 9.0 or above) on your project before importing the .unitypackage.Do not upload as public, private use only.(My textures are meant for use on Pc as it requires poyomii to make the iridescence work and won't look nearly as good on quest)You can join my discord if you need any help setting it up or giving me feedback :Dhttps://discord.gg/wfktRQfVs2I used matcaps from Sivka's Iridescent & Gems Matcap Pack : https://23mink.gumroad.com/l/matcappackThank you Kita Sekki for helping take those lovely pictures :3
Gumroad (natchdeux.gumroad.com)
Luna Fox Moth Texture
Luna Moth inspired texture on Darbi's Foxmoth!This Texture Pack includesThe main body texture, ears / fur, eye texture, and bug parts!This is just a Texture for Darbi's Foxmoth respectively! No avatars are included in the files. If you're looking to purchase the base avi, go to their shop here! https://darbi.gumroad.com/l/foxmothDisclaimer! - Unity knowledge is required to change the texture on the avatar!Do not upload as public, private use only.My textures are meant for use on Pc <3You may use the texture for whatever you'd like but please credit Darbi and I for our work!Redistribution of the files is strictly prohibited, and there are no refunds due to them being digital assets.
Gumroad (kitastextureden.gumroad.com)
Rosy Maple Fox Moth Texture
Rosy Maple Moth inspired texture on Darbi's Foxmoth!This Texture Pack includesThe main body texture, ears / fur, eye texture, and bug parts!This is just a Texture for Darbi's Foxmoth respectively! No avatars are included in the files. If you're looking to purchase the base avi, go to their shop here! https://darbi.gumroad.com/l/foxmothDisclaimer! - Unity knowledge is required to change the texture on the avatar!Do not upload as public, private use only.My textures are meant for use on Pc <3You may use the texture for whatever you'd like but please credit Darbi and I for our work!Redistribution of the files is strictly prohibited, and there are no refunds due to them being digital assets.
Gumroad (kitastextureden.gumroad.com)
Ivana Dragon | FoxMoth | Re-Texture ONLY
Ivana Dragon FoxMoth Re-TextureGoth inspired dragon with vines and leaves texture! This model and assets are NOT included in this package. This is a re-texture ONLY, if you want the FoxMoth Base, BurnsToShine Wings, Eye Texture, and any other assets used in my photos/videos, please follow the links below!***DO YOU WANT A DIFFERENT COLOR COMBO? SEND ME A DM OR JOIN MY DISCORD. I WILL GLADLY ADD ONE TO THIS PACKAGE!***Credits- Darbi's FoxMoth Base- The Cat's Gaze Eye's used!- WinterPaw's Fluffy Tail- BurnsToShine WingsPackage include for Ivana Dragon Foxmoth: 12 BODY PNG with eyeshadow 12 BODY PNG without eyeshadow 1 Ears & Tail PNG 12 Bug Parts PNG 24 BurnsToShine Wings Re-Texture PNG (With & Without vine/leaf detailing) WANNA TRY OUT THE PUBLIC FOXMOTH EDITS?? ***The foxes & dragons are public versions ONLY and are not for sale, but all assets are listed in my discord for you to recreate them.*** Check out my public avatars here! β‘β‘β‘ Must know some unity knowledge. β‘β‘β‘ TERMS OF SERVICE /// PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// β‘ I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice Or Join my discord!β‘ I DO NOT GIVE OUT SUBSTANCE PAINTER FILES FOR ANY OF MY TEXTURES. ALL TEXTURES ARE PNG FILES ONLY.β‘ THIS TEXTURE IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. NOT ALLOWED ON FREE, PUBLIC, OR NITRO MODELS!β‘ Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
Markie Frank | FoxMoth Base | Re - Texture ONLY
Marki Frank FoxMoth Re-Texture90's Lisa Frank inspired foxmoth! This model and assets are NOT included in this package. This is a re-texture ONLY, if you want the FoxMoth Base, BurnsToShine Wings, Winterpaw's Fluffy tail, Eye Texture, and any other assets used in my photos/videos, please follow the links below! Credits- Darbi's FoxMoth Base- Deck of Cards Eye's used!- WinterPaw's Fluffy Tail- One Helluva Style by Darbi- Comfy Set by Panda- Longe Set by Panda- BurnsToShine WingsPackage include for Markie Frank Foxmoth: UPDATED 01-13-25 Shadow Fixes, color touch ups, TastyCakes Versions Added 2 Ears & Tail PNG - Fox/Canine & Dragon version 1 Bug Parts PNG 1 Winterpaws Tail Re -Texture PNG 1 BurnsToShine Wings Re-Texture PNG 1 Hair PNG Emissions Maps for White portion of spots - Body, Ears,Tails&Fluff, Bug Parts, WinterPaws Tail, & BurnsToShine Wings Emissions Maps for Black portions of spots - Body, Ears,Tails&Fluff, Bug Parts, WinterPaws Tail, & BurnsToShine Wings WANNA TRY OUT THE PUBLIC FOXMOTH EDITS?? ***The foxes are public versions ONLY and are not for sale, but all assets are listed in my discord for you to recreate them.*** Check out my public avatars here! β‘β‘β‘ Must know some unity knowledge. β‘β‘β‘ TERMS OF SERVICE /// PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// β‘ I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice Or Join my discord!β‘ I DO NOT GIVE OUT SUBSTANCE PAINTER FILES FOR ANY OF MY TEXTURES. ALL TEXTURES ARE PNG FILES ONLY.β‘ THIS TEXTURE IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. NOT ALLOWED ON FREE, PUBLIC, OR NITRO MODELS!β‘ Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
All Spice Gingerbread | FoxMoth Base | Re - Texture ONLY
All Spice Gingerbread FoxMoth Re-TextureWhat does the fox say?? Well...Foxmoth? FoxDragon?? They say, you're cute! This is a re-texture ONLY, if you want the FoxMoth Base, Winterpaw's Fluffy tail, Eye Texture, BurnsToShine Webbed Wings, please follow the link below! This model is NOT included in this package.Darbi's FoxMoth BaseEye's used!WinterPaw's Fluffy TailHair used on male public avi.Hair used on Public Female aviGlasses used on public avi's!Package include for Gingerbread Foxmoth: 2 BODY PNG - 1 male & 1 female NO peppermint buttons 2 BODY PNG - 1 male & 1 female WITH peppermint buttons 1 Ears & Tail PNG 1 Bug Parts PNG 1 Winterpaws Tail Re -Texture PNG WANNA TRY OUT THE PUBLIC FOX EDITS?? ***The foxes are public versions ONLY and are not for sale, but all assets are listed in my discord for you to recreate them.*** Check out my public avatars here! β‘β‘β‘ Must know some unity knowledge. β‘β‘β‘ TERMS OF SERVICE /// PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// β‘ I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice Or Join my discord!β‘ I DO NOT GIVE OUT SUBSTANCE PAINTER FILES FOR ANY OF MY TEXTURES. ALL TEXTURES ARE PNG FILES ONLY.β‘ THIS TEXTURE IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. NOT ALLOWED ON FREE, PUBLIC, OR NITRO MODELS!β‘ Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
Okami Amaterasu Fox Moth Texture
In celebration of the new Okami sequel being announced, now you can turn your Fox Moth into Amaterasu!PLEASE NOTE, NO AVATAR MESH IS INCLUDED, THIS PRODUCT JUST CONTAINS TEXTURES! Included in the pack is two variations of the body texture (one with and without the black markings), two new eye textures (one black sclera and one white sclera texture), and an emission mask for the red markings so you can make some funky effects! This texture is for the Darbi Fox Moth! It wont work with any other avatar!
Gumroad (tarhare.gumroad.com)
Kiara & Kona Kitsune | FoxMoth Base | RE - TEXTURE ONLY
Kiara & Kona Kitsune FoxMoth Re-TextureKiara & Kona Kitsune come in so many colors!! This is a re-texture ONLY, if you want the FoxMoth Base, Hair, Eye Texture, & Clothing shown in photos are ***NOT included***, please follow the link below! Any assets, not listed here, are listed in my discord! Darbi's FoxMoth Base- 9tailsEyes Used! Nessy Hair - EcstasyBraPantiesPackage include for Kiara & Kona Kitsune : 11 White Base Body, Ears&Tail, & Bug Parts PNGs 11 Grey Base Body, Ears&Tail, & Bug Parts PNGs 22 Hair PNG tiles to match the body colors! Emissions maps to play with! Just few random somes. UPDATED 12/19/2024: New Hair Emissions PNG is added. WANNA TRY OUT THE KITSUNE EDIT?? ***The kitsune edit is a public version ONLY and is not for sale, but all assets are listed in my discord for you to recreate them.***Check out my public avatars here! β‘β‘β‘ Must know some unity knowledge. β‘β‘β‘ TERMS OF SERVICE /// PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// β‘ I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice Or Join my discord!β‘ I DO NOT GIVE OUT SUBSTANCE PAINTER FILES FOR ANY OF MY TEXTURES. ALL TEXTURES ARE PNG FILES ONLY.β‘ THIS TEXTURE IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. NOT ALLOWED ON FREE, PUBLIC, OR NITRO MODELS!β‘ Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
Fox Moth Snow Angel
With wing textures, body, bug parts, and fluff. NO eyesThis texture is fur brushed!Cheaper On Jinxxy!!Discord, Click meThese textures work with the Fox Moth by DarbiThe wings featured are Neffertity's Aether wings.This does NOT include:- Any files belonging to the base Fox moth package.- Any files belonging to the Wings used.Do you need help putting together the avatar? Or would you like a personal texture?$20+ Textures$20+ Unity ProjectsJoin my discordNote:There are no refunds.DO NOT Resell, redistribute or share this texture. Making publics or cloneables with this texture. Share the license key that is given upon purchase. claim this texture as your own creation. recreate this texture on another model without permission given by me. If you have any problems email: [email protected]
Gumroad (black2araven56.gumroad.com)
Fox Moth Sweetie Texture
Body, and fluff/ears/tail! No Eyes No Bug PartsThese textures work with the Fox Moth by DarbiThis does NOT include:- Any files belonging to the base Moth package.Do you need help putting together the avatar? Or would you like a personal texture?$20+ Textures$20+ Unity ProjectsJoin my discordNote:There are no refunds.DO NOTResell, redistribute or share this texture.Making publics or cloneables with this texture.Share the license key that is given upon purchase.claim this texture as your own creation.recreate this texture on another model without permission given by me.If you have any problems email: [email protected]
Gumroad (black2araven56.gumroad.com)
Scarlet - Fox Moth Texture
β Scarlet the Fox Moth has landed! βThis is a re-texture only! We do not give out SPP files for any texturesDiscordYou can get the Fox Moth model by Darbi HERE!Please have an understanding of Unity! PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1 Body texture PNG 1 Ear and tail texture PNG 1 Bug parts texture PNG 1 custom eyes texture/decal PNG TERMS OF SERVICE: By purchasing you agree to our TOS NO returns, as this is a digital product DO NOT redistribute the files in any form DO NOT sell any of the textures DO NOT claim the textures or design as your own DO NOT use these textures for any hateful or discriminatory purposes This is for PERSONAL USE ONLY VIOLATIONS OF THE TOS WILL RESULT IN A VOID OF THE LICENSE AND BLACKLIST FROM OUR SHOP!!β If you have any issues with the package join the discord and message MELTIIβ If you need to use PAYPAL, join the discord and message MELTII and you will be able to purchase the package that way!β NOTES: If you keep the original toggles (Hues/Saturation) on the Fox Moth the textures/decal will work with them! β We are not responsible for any inappropriate use of these texturesβ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE TEXTURES! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORTβ
Gumroad (meltedgutz.gumroad.com)
Foxmoth Skeleton Maps
I spent 9 hours on live stream making these maps now you can use them for some instant Halloween fun!This package contains 6 maps for use with the Darbi FoxmothYour personal results depend fully on how you use these files. I have them labeled for how I used them but the sky is the limit. Have fun!ATTENTIONthese are just masks not full materials other than that be decent and don't claim you made it yourself
Gumroad (sugarpawsvr.gumroad.com)
Starry Sky Fox Moth Texture
Also available on PayhipThis package includes textures for the Fox Moth made by Darbi. The model is NOT included in the purchase, these are TEXTURES ONLY!-Shader Used: Newest Poi Toon-Textures/Materials include: Body Textures, Eye Texture, Ear/Fluff/Tail, and the Bug Parts.-All Materials I provide have Audiolink set up!-You must know basic unity knowledge to apply the materials.-You will receive the base textures and materials to drag onto your Fox Moth.
Gumroad (killingmesoftly.gumroad.com)
clothes & assets :
Fox moth (female pentagram harness)
female pentagram harness and shortsContainsSimple custom shadertexturesFBX Blendshapes for small and big boobaUsesvrcfuryAvi Basehttps://darbi.gumroad.com/l/foxmoth
Gumroad (aceredfang.gumroad.com)
Fox moth (female Swimsuit/galaxy dress)
Fox moth (female Swimsuit/galaxy dress)Simple swimsuitskimpy leather versiondressmultiple materialsblend shapes (breast +/-)Base Modelhttps://darbi.gumroad.com/l/foxmoth
Gumroad (aceredfang.gumroad.com)
Black sheep (fox moth outfit)
feel free to use on public avatarscontains all blend shapes needed
Gumroad (aceredfang.gumroad.com)
comfy set v2 found on vrmodels ^^
https://vrmodels.store/clothess/45541-comfy-set-v2-foxmoth.htmlComfy Set V2 (FoxMoth)
ContactsJoin the discord for the usual stuff you'd join these for! DISCORD SERVER!Discord: .shiyu-Disclaimer- Some Shape Keys might be destructive enough you might need to re weight to your specific combination of Shape keys. Shape keys:Breast +Beast -Flat ChestUpperArm +UpperArm -LowerArm +LowerArm -Masculine BodyTone BodyThiccness +Legs +Legs -Butt +Butt -Leg Shape 2Leg Shape 3 Info:-Rigged and weighted to FoxMoth Base by Darbi-VRCFury CompatibleTerms and conditions:DO NOT redistribute/resell.DO NOT claim as your own no matter what.You can use it for personal and/or commercial use.You have permission to edit, but do not claim as your own.
Gumroad (pandaoreos.gumroad.com)
virgin set foxmoth found by @wfurry ^^
https://forum.ripper.store/post/645602Virgin Set(FoxMoth)
ContactsJoin the discord for the usual stuff you'd join these for! DISCORD SERVER!Discord: .shiyu-Disclaimer- Some Shape Keys might be destructive enough you might need to re weight to your specific combination of Shape keys. Shape keys:Breast +Beast -Flat ChestUpperArm +UpperArm -LowerArm +LowerArm -Masculine BodyTone BodyThiccness +Legs +Legs -Butt +Butt -Leg Shape 2Leg Shape 3 Info:-Rigged and weighted to FoxMoth Base by Darbi-VRCFury CompatibleTerms and conditions:DO NOT redistribute/resell.DO NOT claim as your own no matter what.You can use it for personal and/or commercial use.You have permission to edit, but do not claim as your own.
Gumroad (pandaoreos.gumroad.com)
Twitter Meme Outfit found by me ^^
https://vrmodels.store/clothess/44490-twitter-meme-outfit-foxmoth.htmlTwitter Meme Outfit (FoxMoth)
ContactsJoin the discord for the usual stuff you'd join these for! DISCORD SERVER!Discord: .shiyu-Disclaimer- Some Shape Keys might be destructive enough you might need to re weight to your specific combination of Shape keys. Shape keys:Breast +Beast -Flat ChestUpperArm +UpperArm -LowerArm +LowerArm -Masculine BodyTone BodyThiccness +Legs +Legs -Butt +Butt -Leg Shape 2Leg Shape 3 Info:-Rigged and weighted to FoxMoth Base by Darbi-VRCFury Compatible-Credit for the outfit inspiration: https://x.com/paggiart/status/1812261450523742289Terms and conditions:DO NOT redistribute/resell.DO NOT claim as your own no matter what.You can use it for personal and/or commercial use.You have permission to edit, but do not claim as your own.
Gumroad (pandaoreos.gumroad.com)
witchy set found by me ^^
https://vrmodels.store/clothess/44492-witchy-setfoxmoth.htmlWitchy Set(FoxMoth)
ContactsJoin the discord for the usual stuff you'd join these for! DISCORD SERVER!Discord: .shiyu-Disclaimer- Some Shape Keys might be destructive enough you might need to re weight to your specific combination of Shape keys. Shape keys:Breast +Beast -UpperArm +UpperArm -LowerArm +LowerArm -Thiccness +Legs +Legs -Butt +Butt -Leg Shape 2Leg Shape 3 Info:-Rigged and weighted to FoxMoth Base by Darbi-VRCFury CompatibleTerms and conditions:DO NOT redistribute/resell.DO NOT claim as your own no matter what.You can use it for personal and/or commercial use.You have permission to edit, but do not claim as your own.
Gumroad (pandaoreos.gumroad.com)
lounge set (foxmoth) found by @WyattTheNardo ^^
https://forum.ripper.store/post/502072Lounge Set (FoxMoth)
ContactsJoin the discord for the usual stuff you'd join these for! DISCORD SERVER!Discord: .shiyu-Disclaimer- Some Shape Keys might be destructive enough you might need to re weight to your specific combination of Shape keys. Shape keys:Breast +Beast -Flat ChestUpperArm +UpperArm -LowerArm +LowerArm -Masculine BodyTone BodyThiccness +Legs +Legs -Butt +Butt -Leg Shape 2Leg Shape 3 Info:-Rigged and weighted to FoxMoth Base by Darbi-VRCFury CompatibleTerms and conditions:DO NOT redistribute/resell.DO NOT claim as your own no matter what.You can use it for personal and/or commercial use.You have permission to edit, but do not claim as your own.
Gumroad (pandaoreos.gumroad.com)
Love Me Eyes | FoxMoth Base | Eye Texture Bundle
For the FoxMoth Base! | Love Me Eye Textures |New! Updated catch lights for a more realistic look! Hand drawn glittery, doey, and heart filled eyes! Pretty eyes for a pretty avatar! Each eye color is slightly different. I have included the eyes and emissions from the Kiggy Base, Unity ready. I have also included the 5 other emissions maps for you to play around with. You may need to do some Photoshop work to get them to work for your project. These work with the male and female version! I hope you enjoy! Foxmoth Base found here!| Package include : |- 14 Eyes with White Sclera - Rainbow, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Dark Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Pink, Brown, Grey, Black, and White. - 14 Eyes with Black Sclera - Rainbow, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Dark Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Pink, Brown, Grey, Black, and White.| Must know some unity knowledge.| | CONDITIONS & TOS |PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD OR PAYHIP ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM. I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice OR join my discord! You can use on public and paid models. DO NOT USE ON NITRO OR FREE MODELS. Please credit my Gumroad or Payhip. Thank you. π FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
Diamonds are Forever | SINGLES | Diamond Pupil Eye Bundle
| Singles pack! | Diamonds are Forever - Eye Texture Bundle |β‘ Hand drawn diamond pupil eyes! Each eye color is slightly different. I have also included the 7 emissions maps for you to play around with. I hope you enjoy! β‘ | KIRI IN PHOTOS NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE SEE LINKS BELOW FOR KIGGY BASE! |FoxiPaws KiriPhoto's Provided by Kinmi!Please make sure you are adding the right bundle to your cart! This is a singles eye bundle. I will no longer compensate for buying the wrong bundle. Thank you so much for understanding!| Packages include : |β‘ 14 Custom Eye ColorsFULL BUNDLE - DarkRed, PinkyRed, HotPink, Golden, BurntOrange, RedGreen, LimeGreen, GreenBlue, IcyBlue, Burple, LightPinkPurple, Black, Brown, White + 7 Emissions Maps for funsies(Singles)! You must know some sort of editing (Photoshop, Procreate, Krita, etc.) for proper fitting to your avatar.| Must know some unity knowledge. Must know some editing knowledge for fitting the eyes and emissions to your VRChat avatar. | | CONDITIONS & TOS |///PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice OR join my discord! You can use on public and paid models. DO NOT USE ON FREE MODELS. Please credit my gumroad. Please share my link! Thank you. π EYE BUNDLES - Please make sure you are adding the right bundle to your cart! This is a singles eye bundle. I will no longer compensate for buying the wrong bundle. Thank you so much for understanding! I am not currently taking on any commissions. All pre-made packages are what I have available at this time. Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
The Cat's Gaze | Singles | Eye Texture Bundle
The Cat's Gaze - SINGLES Eye Texture Bundleβ‘ My first 4k hand drawn eyes with cat eye pupils! Great for cats, dragons, hellhounds, and many more styles! These are meant to be refit to any other avatar using photoshop, procreate, or krita knowledge. This is the SINGLES BUNDLE. If you would like the avatar in the showcase photos, follow the links below! β‘ Darbi's FoxMoth BaseCAT'S GAZE FOXMOTH EYE BUNDLE HEREPlease make sure you are adding the right bundle to your cart! This is the SINGLES eye bundle. I will no longer compensate for buying the wrong bundle. Thank you so much for understanding!| Packages include : |β‘ 10 Custom Eye ColorsRed. Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, White, Brown, & Black| Must know some unity knowledge. Must know some editing knowledge(Krita, Procreate, or Photoshop) for fitting the eyes and/or emissions to your VRChat avatar. | | CONDITIONS | ///PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice OR join my discord! You can use on public and commercial models. DO NOT USE ON FREE MODELS. Please credit my gumroad. Please share my link! Thank you. π EYE BUNDLES - Please make sure you are adding the right bundle to your cart! This is a SINGLES eye bundle. I will no longer compensate for buying the wrong bundle. Thank you so much for understanding! Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
Moons and Stars | SINGLES | Slit Pupil Eye Bundle
| Singles pack! | Moons and Stars Eye Texture Bundle | Hand drawn star and moonie filled eyes! Pretty eyes for your pretty avatar! Each eye color is slightly different. Includes 13 singular eye textures. I have also included the 4 other emissions maps for you to play around with. I hope you enjoy! | KIGGY BASE NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE SEE LINKS BELOW FOR KIGGY BASE! |Darbi's GumroadHair by Nessy!***Please make sure you are adding the right bundle to your cart! This is a singles eye bundle. I will no longer compensate for buying the wrong bundle. Thank you so much for understanding!***| Package include : |- 13 Custom Eye Colors - Red, Orange, Yellow, Dark Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Purple, Light Pink, Hot Pink, Brown, Black, and White.- 4 Extra Emissions Maps for funsies! | Must know some unity knowledge and must know some Photoshop to properly fit to your model. | | CONDITIONS & TOS |///PURCHASE GRANTS LICENSE FOR USE OF ASSETS FOR ONE(1) GUMROAD ACCOUNT. DO NOT SELL, CLAIM DESIGNS AS YOUR OWN, OR REDISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM./// I do not accept returns, cancellations, exchanges, or refunds requests due to this being a digital download. If you have questions or if you have any issues with your order, feel free to contact me via discord - BrittleJuice OR join my discord! You can use on public and paid models. DO NOT USE ON FREE OR NITRO MODELS. Please credit my gumroad. Please share my link! Thank you. πI am not currently taking on any commissions. All pre-made packages are what I have available at this time.Reviews are very welcomed! Thank you again for your support. FOLLOW ME ON:Instagram!TikTok!Twitch!Join my discord here!
Gumroad (brittlejuice.gumroad.com)
@sandrine1992 It's for the FoxMoth
@sandrine1992 Sorry I'm a bit slow > https://pandaoreos.gumroad.com/l/ycpyo?layout=discover&recommended_by=search
ha, I understand better why I couldn't find it in my post, I hadn't put it ^^ but it doesn't matter, it still makes a great asset for my future foxmoth, thanks again
ps: so I added the link and specified that you shared the asset -
I suffered a huge loss and bought some so I'm going to have them uploaded to vrmodels in either tomorrow or Saturday so look out.
Anyone got the Slime one ? :3
If someone do find it I'd really appreciate a quick @ ^^
Hell yeah !! I be very new to this so I try and be precise XD
post update = found on vrmodels @MarbledMoo @0x0 @RandomMeow @wfurry @WyattTheNardo
texture = gemstone texture
clothes = witchy set, Twitter Meme Outfit