LF: Booth Dance Motion Animation's Assets
Love It Dance Animation - pH MotionWorks - BOOTH
3D Animation data of the Love It dance. Based on various Love It dances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzAHOTZ6MPw Basic knowledge of Unity is required to use this product. Japanese MMD BlendShapes names are used for facial expressions. Models in the preview video not included. Original animation
Loli God Requiem [ロリ神レクイエム] Animation Part B - pH MotionWorks - BOOTH
3D Animation data of Shigure Ui's Loli God Requiem. Based on Shigure Ui's music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci_zad39Uhw Basic knowledge of Unity is required to use this product. Japanese MMD BlendShapes names are used for facial expressions. Models in the preview video not included.
Anxious Feline Animation - pH MotionWorks - BOOTH
3D Animation data of an anxious dancing feline. Basic knowledge of Unity is required to use this product. Japanese MMD BlendShapes names are used for facial expressions. Models in the preview video not included. 2 different character sizes. Download the size test for free to see if your model fits
6.(All Sizes)
Find them, please!
- Found! Love it Dance Animation
https://phmotionworks.booth.pm/items/6197135 add this pls