Hoodie for Wolfman by Dovero!
Howdy! I'm looking for the hoodie that goes with the Wolfman avatar by Dovero! Would greatly appreciate if someone could share this!
Wolfman Apparel - Hoodie
This does NOT come with the Wolfman avatar. You can purchase the avatar hereFully customizable hoodie with movable hood and interactable strings!FeaturesTailored Substance Painter file to make customization a breeze!High-definition texture, baked normals, and baked-lighting to maintain detail no matter the world type.Quick and easy application on your Wolfman avatar. Auto-applies toggles to your menu.What you need...Wolfman Avatar V2.1.4+Poiyomi 8.1VRCFuryTerms of ServicePurchases are NOT refundable.What you can do,Sell or purchase texture commissions for the pack. Both parties (commissioner and artist) must have purchased the pack.Make mesh modifications to it, as long that it is for your own personal usage.What you CANNOT do,Redistribute the pack to others.Resell the pack.Claim to be the pack creator (please give credit where credit is due).
Gumroad (sorakirbys.gumroad.com)
Turns out it was on VRModels... https://vrmodels.store/clothess/42827-wolfman-apparel-hoodie.html