LF izanami ALL outfits AND textures
「Full Version」 Izanami オリジナル3Dモデル 「伊邪那美」 - hanaechu - BOOTH
This is a original 3D Character made by Hanaechu. ★Please note that the final product may differ from the VROID HUB preview. Please refer to BOOTH PAGE photos for accurate item display. ★「最終製品はVROID HUBのプレビューと異なる場合がございます。正確なアイテム表示については、BOOTHページの写真をご参照ください。」 試着ワールドはこちら
「伊邪那美」サキュバス シスター VRChat Modular Avatar対応 Unitypackage - hanaechu - BOOTH
・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. 商品内容: ・Dress ・Veil ・Eyemask ・BeadLock "Underwear" ・Necklace ・Ring ・Halo ・Socks ・High Heels ・Textures, normalmaps, masks etc. ・3 Colour Variation Sets ( Classic Sister,
「伊邪那美」Onsen Bath Towel ♨️ 温泉 バスタオル - hanaechu - BOOTH
・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. 商品内容: ・Towel Body ・Towel Head ・PhysBone Towel Head ・Textures, Normalmaps etc. ・12 Variations ( Pink, Blue, White, Beige )
「伊邪那美」Succubus Outfit Set サキュバス 衣装 セット VRChat Modular Avatar対応 Unitypackage - hanaechu - BOOTH
・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. ★NOTE BEFORE BUYING>★ The Password for DLC READY animations can be found in Izanami's basemodel Download Page. 商品内容: ・Top
「伊邪那美」 Frilly Fever フリルフィーバー 衣装 セット VRChat Modular Avatar対応 Unitypackage - hanaechu - BOOTH
・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. ★NOTE BEFORE BUYING>★ The Password for DLC READY animations can be found in Izanami's basemodel Download Page. 商品内容:
「伊邪那美」Daily Fit Original 3D model Unitypackage - hanaechu - BOOTH
・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. 商品内容: ・Top FBX ・Jeans FBX ・High Heels FBX ・Colour Variation ( 3 Sets ) ・Alpha Mask For Body ・Rigged for Izanami Modifying
(this V one is a texture and a asset)「伊邪那美」 Persocom Ears & Eye Texture - hanaechu - BOOTH
商品内容: ・Persocom Ears FBX ・Texture & Normalmap ・Rigged ・Eyelid & Eye Texture For Izanami ・Pink Texture for Izanami's Hair Clips. EARS INFO: ・Modifying for private usage only allowed. ・Sharing files or selling the item is prohibited. ・Any commercial use is prohibited! Data Info: Ears 1728 Triangles, 1
[Airi/Shinano] Izanami Eye and MakeUp Textures - Kandake's Nest - BOOTH
This is just an advertising The textures are available here : https://kandakenest.booth.pm/items/5683788
「伊邪那美」Makeup Texture Set - hanaechu - BOOTH
All assets made from scratch by Hanaechu. Izanami Base model: https://hanaechu.booth.pm/items/5969403 商品内容 - PNG File ( 4 ) - Eye Texture - Eye Emmission Do not use on other models. R18 OK. Modifying for private usage is okay. ご質問やご相談、不具合の報告、違反報告の際は For questions, consultations, bug reports, and
「伊邪那美」Dark Elf Makeup, Skin, Hair Texture Set - hanaechu - BOOTH
All assets made from scratch by Hanaechu. Izanami Base model: https://hanaechu.booth.pm/items/5969403 商品内容 PNG -3 Skin Colour Variations -Eye Textures -New Makeup -8 Hair Colour Variations Do not use on other models. R18 OK. Modifying for private usage is okay. ご質問やご相談、不具合の報告、違反報告の際は For questions,
And if only one has any other assets that arent on the list please put em in tho comments and stuff!
Bump please
bump for dark elf
Posted the frill and succubus outfits here --> https://forum.ripper.store/post/551663
bump for dark elf