LF: Kabal Mystic Sonic NSFW Avatars
Yeah i would say best wait until the KM Amy Rose is out
Ive been using that matterial yesterday
are u planning to do these to?
If there is MMD models of them yeah looking at my files there is a few I have that are part of that pack I can work on and upload at a later date
Here it is the final three of the male pack yayy! finishing things off for now with Eggman/Silver and a special Femboy Tails as thanks. both Tails and Silver come with Super forms and the others I have posted will get them as well along with new updated SPS and Gogo at some point.
You will need Poiyomi/vrcfury for all of them be sure to detach blueprints for each one before uploading and I think Tails bimbo lips do not move while speaking as that would cause issues with his base head not being able to speak. Other than that all of them are ready for upload and are quest compatible if there is any issues be sure to let me know.
but as for now next up is the Females and I plan to start things off with Amy while doing quick updates to all the males like super forms and SPS with new Gogo but hope everyone has a nice and wonderful thanksgiving and I'll be sure to have more out before the holidays ^^
Eggman - https://workupload.com/file/QWuuvWkgFvF
wait tails again?
alrighty!!!!!!!!! lets go!
working on it right now .... its.. perfect.
i love each and one of them i strogly reccomand guys to add shine matcap and normal maps of ur liking it makes the avatars so much better
i love em thank you for ut hard work Silvabliss -
alright i tested everyone the only one that has some problems isfemboy tails, hes legs are crossing when he gets down.. and it would have hav been cool if he wore makeup, with eye lashes... also the super forms dont work on both avis
in rest theyre grait
also i think you have used on all these 3 the unapdated version of the meat by accident this version dosent have the sps and penis throb
I'll take a look at Tails but his and Silvers super forms seem to work on my end. I am not sure but NSFW gogo likes to use a older version of VRCfury that isn't up to date and makes some stuff not work like its supposed to. Easiest fix for that is to just make sure vrcfury is using the latest version as it doesn't seem to have any issue using it. As for the legs that could be a issue with the bones he will probably take time to update makeup is doable but eyelashes are something I couldn't do as I don't have any I could use and would take set up via blender. I'll be sure to fix the meat issue as well for all three and should have them out pretty quickly with any info on the fixes for each.
Alrighty il upload these again when you change the pps , and il give some time for femboy tails till u find a fix for the legs much appreciate it i just love the eggman avatar and if the nfsw gogo brakes the super form just add the one up to date on those 2.. and everything will be fine i guess, thank you very much!!!
quick question what tutorial did you use to fix and import the mmd models to unity and upload them?
Here is Femboy tails V2 updated the SPS and penis along with some makeup eyelashes I don't have any files for so could not add them I think I also discovered the issue with the super forms during testing.
make sure the meshes of the items the super form is swapping the mats of are there you can check by clicking the model and looking at the toggle for the super form. Renderer should not be empty and if it is be sure you correct it by dragging the correct meshes in there as for the legs I theorize this is a older model from the creator who made the other tails I posted and something with the bones could be causing the legs closing together when crouching.I have seen models or avatars have this exact issue and not entirely sure but for now that's out of my knowledge but for now here is V2 of Femboy tails and will posted the updated models of Eggman and Silver here soon.
Tails The Femboy V2.0 - https://workupload.com/file/tyVcyFh6Ns8
quick question what tutorial did you use to fix and import the mmd models to unity and upload them?
@Samypro179 to answer that I'll link two videos right here but I recommend the first one as it's short and simple but the other one goes into a lot more detail on what to do and these work on all MMD models not just the sonic one's I have been porting.
Vid 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vbhK7bJIHU&list=LL&index=6&t=92s
Vid 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P0ljQ6hU0A&list=LL&index=5