LF: Kabal Mystic Sonic NSFW Avatars
Hey everyone would had gotten this out sooner but with a mix of spending time to try and fix issues with the models legs crossing when crouching and looking at multiple models to see if this issue was non-existent to be met with the same issue every damn time. And taking some time to think on it Amy is here and I just decided to bite the bullet on this one besides the mentioned issue that I plan to resolve later she is all set up and ready for upload.
VRCfury and Poiyomi is needed and Rouge is next and will be released when ready.
@silvabliss yes thank you
Think I forgot a blendshape for the bikini so that doesn't happen I'll be sure to release a fix here
like one of the Hand Gestures have this issue? will need to take a look at them if so
took a look and I see the teeth clipping issue. something with the blendshapes but not sure what as it only shows up during gesture manager and in game I ended up just switching smile blendshapes and while it is still there its more minor clipping fixed bikini issue as well forgot one blendshape.
Amy RoseV1.2 - https://workupload.com/file/jnBdwZCugGE
Haha good to see you with new updates
Always up for these models
These are already set up thenx to silvabliss just import use poyomi, vrcfury, gesture manager to test everything and u good to go
Is there some kind of tutorial of how to set it up? Im kind of new in unity, i practiced with something simple but i want to know more or less how to set everything up like the SPS, ThiccWater and other things like making grow some "parts"
@TesterVR So everything should be already set up but for how to do SPS there should be a tutorial on how to do it with wholesome SPS which is free and will need both that and vrcfury, also I'm not sure but thiccwater should have a tutorial upon downloading it, but with making stuff grow there is a tutorial I believe on YouTube by just searching vrcfury blendshapes, I'd be happy to try and explain it or show how to set up stuff like that.
But I took a break for the holidays and are slowly getting back into avatar stuff.
Glad to have u back !!!
Rouge is here sadly has the same leg issue as amy could be a thing with most female/fem models sadly and no clue as the cause and fix for it. anyway she'll need Poiyomi and liltoon and vrcfury. Has SPS along with skin toggles and various outfits and body stuff also has thiccwater and wlk meat.
https://workupload.com/file/L99hxH4WBbd -
I am guessing the legs bend inward when you playspace downward i assuming thats the issue?
Would u be willing to let samone help you with this issue ?
Yeah I would like the help with the issue could be something that affects the other female/fem models that once figured out could go back and fix on the others
Anyone else having trouble with uploading Sonic and/or Shadow?
Gives me an error to clear blueprint ID but there is none.Bump.
i need KM Soniko someone get model?