GIFT「 Lilac Outfit 」 セレスティア Selestia
Booth ID:
「 Lilac Outfit 」 セレスティア Selestia - WonderLand - BOOTH
Update [22.08.03] v1.01 - Updated material to poiyomi 8.0.426 - Fix Breast bones to make it work when people do unpack prefab and put each bones under hierachy [22.08.04]v1.02 - UTS materials, prefab added [2022.08.05] v1.03 - Fixed UTS prefabs which has shoe gloss material missing 「Import these
Booth ID:
「 Lilac Outfit 」 セレスティア Selestia - WonderLand - BOOTH
Update [22.08.03] v1.01 - Updated material to poiyomi 8.0.426 - Fix Breast bones to make it work when people do unpack prefab and put each bones under hierachy [22.08.04]v1.02 - UTS materials, prefab added [2022.08.05] v1.03 - Fixed UTS prefabs which has shoe gloss material missing 「Import these
@avatarofcorn TY i was eating a sandwich i forgot to add T-T